
Yeah, but Sikhs keep their hair in turbans, so it's not tumbling down to their behinds.

They look like trilobites! Tell me I'm not wrong.

It's all scraggly at the ends and shit. Nasty.

Indeed. Her story seems unlikely.

Who's worried? I'm grossed out.

I was just about to say this. She should have consulted with some Black women before she chopped her hair off.

Also, when worse comes to worst, there is always warm milk. Warm milk will seriously help detangle hair.

Ah, see, the thick hair thing is why you're not right. I've got a short bob but my kid, she has LOOOOONG super-fine hair. LOTS of superfine hair. And you can totally get it so tangled that it's impossible to get out. Essentially, like wool yarn, it felts. Once I didn't brush her hair for two days in a row and she went

I dunno why but long hair grosses me out. Even this picture is giving me the wiggins. Eugh.

Yeah. This sounds weird. I have hair down to the middle of my back that is kinky. (I'm a WOC.) I've learned how to work shampoo through my hair without tangling it and how to detangle if necessary. You can't just throw shampoo in there and go to town!

How the fuck can she have hair that long and not know how to wash it? Does she scrub it like laundry? I still don't see how this could have happened. Lady is either lying or she bought a bottle of glue.

I once had a stylist say, "if your hair is long enough to wipe your ass with it, it's too long."

I find it hard to believe that someone with butt-length hair doesn't know some tricks for getting out even really stubborn tangles.

I am irrationally (?) grossed out by really long hair. Good riddance! It's weird to have your identity wrapped to tightly around the length of your hair.

Seriously, Craig Ferguson is the perfect level of late night weird. I really hope he's not going anywhere.

They are replacing Ferguson?!

This doesn't even look real.

  • Since husband and wife generally pool their incomes into a single economic unit, what really matters is the combined family income, not the pay gap between them.

Holy balls, is this woman still alive? Where IS that lazy fucking Reaper when you need it, anyway? Couldn't we have made a package deal or something, by which we get Philip Seymour Hoffman & Kurt Vonnegut back in exchange for Teh Phyllis?

Uuugh Phyllis Schlafly and the whole conservative thoughts on marriage bullshit. If you love the 50s so much invent a goddamn time machine and go there you fucking dinosaur.