
Agreed! I totally thought it would end up being for Planned Parenthood or something.

Somebody I really like and admire posted it, and I was like . . . noooooooooooooo.

I think it's odd in general to think of a relationship as a job. I'm a wife but I don't think of myself as a psychologist, financial advisor, chef, prostitute and laundress. As a friend I don't think of myself as a events manager, life coach, psychologist, companion and career counselor. That's weird. All of our

You know what? Being a middle- or upper-class mommy is NOT as hard as being a miner in Brazil or Africa or even West Virginia, for example. It's not. Let's cut the bullshit. It's NOT "the toughest job in the world". It's probably not the hardest job in their subdivision of their suburb. That's some shit Oprah

I just realized that's what they meant about culinary/medical degree. I thought they were talking about having a profession on the side as a personal passion/way to support the family or whatever. It's...way more offensive this way.

No. I have real life suburban mom friends who are posting this all over facebook.

Degrees in medicine, finance and culinary arts necessary

I am a mom and it is definitely a lot of work. Different work than my 8-5 corporate gig, but certainly work. But this bugs me for a few reasons.

Upworthy can suck a bag of dicks. That is all I have to say about that.

This is all over my feeds, like the universe wanted to give me more reasons to hide and block more people. And the whole a mother does x, y and z professions for free is so fucking insulting on so many levels to so many people...

OMG. I was raised by my dad and when I was like.. 9.. I called into our local radio station (ALL BY MYSELF!) on Mother's Day to tell them that my dad was the best mom in the world. I said, "He's my Mr. Mom." Apparently the cuteness was unbearable and I was put on the air. My dad heard it on his way to work and just

I should have sued my mom for malpractice when she didn't take me in for stitches when I split my skin open just under my left eyebrow. I thought I put my eye out, she said, "It's FINE," I have a nice jagged scar and I'm lucky it didn't get infected.


THANK YOU LINDY! I have seen this stupid video posted everywhere and haven't brought myself to watch it. I knew it was going to be moms. So predictable and manipulative and dumb.

I have just flat out hidden Upworthy posts from my facebook for this very reason. Just tell me what the damn video is about or I'm moving on.

Degrees in medicine, finance, and culinary arts are necessary? Really? Giving birth instantly renders you able to perform surgery, balance books, and sous vide? Given that Farrah Abraham is a mom I somehow doubt that...

tbh i thought it was a great childfree ad

They reminded me of several yoga studio owners whom I have known.

It's amazing how messed up yoga people are. Very manipulative, it's always someone else being "unyogic" and what not. :P

a) I have been clean 17 years and I don't recommend anyone run out and try heroin. b) I started using because I was a miserable, abused fucked-up person. But on the third hand, c) it is fucking fantastic. I've said, it feels like all your insides and glowing warm with the banked chemical fires of love, and you are

It's so good, you'll ruin your life for it.