
Hysterical? Bell has more composure than I would have had:

Me too. I bet Moore had no problem with it, though.

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Rah is also on "Art Imitates Life" of Kweli's new album Gravitas.

You are probably 100% hair and teeth free. I mean, they went in there looking already.

Except for all the racist tweets.

Iggy is pretty amazing. Genuine rapper and takes the hip hop game seriously. I can't help but laugh at Miley Cyrus and her new found "urban" gimmick to sell records.

Where did Missy Elliott go? Come back. You were my childhood hero as most badass woman ever

Speaking from experience, I hope Moore has a hot younger brother and girlfriend has a secret love affair with him.

Well, of course he's a dick. His name is Thurston.

The same quotes appeared yesterday on Rolling Stone and my reaction there was the same as here... SIX YEARS?? You "split" in 2011 but you've been "dating" for SIX years? FUCK YOU THURSTON.

I am young, romantic and naive and this kind of thing just guts me. You do something for 20 years and it still fails. How does one start over at 55? I think it's like this subconscious fear of mine because while my parents are still married, it's pretty obvious that it is not a happy marriage but they are both afraid

I saw Thurston play a tiny venue last year on a Saturday, it didn't sell out, and it was fucking boring so a bunch of people left early, including me. It was not good.

I guess, except she found out when she saw a text from his girlfriend, they went to therapy but he never stopped seeing his girlfriend, so yeah go you for admitting it AFTER THE FACT? I would think it was good he admitted it if he would have admitted it and divorced her but that is not the case.

Dude never grew up, did he?

This hurts, people. We believed the Gordon-Moore marriage, it was brilliant, it was all we ever wanted from love and relationships. Finding out that they were unhappy like anybody else - that he was cheating like anybody else - was very painful. Celebrity marriages haven't looked the same since they split up.

You aren't mad that Thurston Moore cheated on Gordon.

What is it about cheating partners and their willingness to admit the duration of their cheating once "the cat's out of the bag"? It's like they think the length of the extramarital/extrarelational affair counts as fidelity, or something.

As profs make clear to their students: NO DOUBLE-DIPPING! You don't get credit

Don't put periods outside of quotation marks.

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Let's not put down women who straighten their hair, okay? That can be just as problematic as criticizing women who wear their hair natural.

Me too! I am constantly dropping/spilling/tripping and you know what? I don't fucking do it to elicit laughs. I don't do it to cause attention. Really, most of the time people make disparaging comments and it makes me feel like shit and a fucking failure for not being "more together" so at least Jen can have fun with