
"Twenty-one years ago, when I first heard Mia Farrow had accused me of child molestation, I found the idea so ludicrous I didn't give it a second thought."

I hope she sicks her dragons on you.

I further cannot believe he is bothering to DEFEND HIS WRONGNESS!

Exactly this. I can 100% believe that he was not trying to offend when he initially said "born a boy." What I can't wrap my head around is that when she said it was offensive he decided to argue her to the ground about whether it was or not instead of learning something new.

I've never understood how privileged people (white men seem particularly prone to this) can't accept that THEY DON'T GET TO CHOOSE WHAT'S OFFENSIVE TO THE OFFENDED PARTY!! Just because you didn't mean to be offensive doesn't mean you weren't offensive.

I knew there was a reason Shosh was my favorite. #teamshoshanna

Talk about brand loyalty.

Your story + username are giving me the best laugh I've had all week.

Sometimes me and my wife will leave for a lovely summer stroll or bike ride or whatevs, and she won't even make it to the end of the block, whip around and run upstairs all like "LOL NOPE WRONG PANTS, SPECIAL FEELINGS, BRB" and throw on a... less special pair, I guess?

Oh man, okay. I have Cerebral Palsy, so I use a wheelchair. When I was about 17 and still living at home, I had to physically climb stairs and crawl to get to my bedroom. Wasn't a big deal to me, I was very used to it. Anyway, one fine night, I was crawling up to my room, army style. So I was dragging myself with my

I can't, for the life of me, find any fault in using a picture of Jennifer Lawrence in an article pertaining to orgasms.

I would say it was an excellent choice in pants!

I guess you could say. . . you liked getting raw denim'd

That is ALMOST the best story. I have an even weirder first orgasm story, but I'm not sure if it's relevant. :P

You know. Lady parts and rubbing?

Same thing happened to me only I was 17 or 18 at the time. I was kind of shocked like...oh this actually happening? And then I was like...oh yes...this is actually happening.

School buses often bring about orgasms - I think I had my first orgasm on the bus in middle school. The vibrations were terrific.

My policy is - am I likely to run into this person in real life and recognise them? If so, I hide them from newsfeed rather than unfriending.