
Doesn't she also have a black son? Or did she return him?

I've noticed this really disturbing cultural narrative where penetration = conquering, using, dirtying, shaming, otherwise harming, and being penetrated = being conquered, used, made dirty, shameful, and otherwise harmed. It seems to be a driving motivation behind some men's sexuality. The idea is that if they "fuck"

You probably view sex as a fun, mutually pleasurable activity that should be entered into with enthusiasm and respect. They view sex as an aggressive act men do to women.

True words to people who don't know what healthy sex looks like.

Yeah, seriously, the person responding to those live chats is going to be a Legal Assistant or Paralegal who is versed enough in P.I. Law to appraise your case and send you information packets, they really don't know anything about the running of the law firm.

Ambulance-Chasers, by the looks of their website.

They also think that sex is something you do TO a woman, not WITH her. They think it's degrading (sort of) for the woman and "score!" for the man. So they're all, "Fuck women. I hate them. They're so stupid and bitchy and emotional....which is why I screw one every chance I get."

Easy: They want fuck toys, not people. They don't have sex with women, they do sex to women, or want women to do sex to them. We're basically fleshlights with a life-support system to them, and they'd like to uninstall the "thinks for herself" feature.

What do these lawyers do, defend accused rapists, domestic abusers, and other assorted douchebags?

I don't understand how supposedly heterosexual men can hate women THAT MUCH to the point where they would think threatening violence against them is funny and yet still want to have sex with them. I mean, seriously? If I hate someone then I definitely try to avoiding sleeping with them. And yet all these misogynists

Well, considering all you did was insult someone, you did not make the point you thought you were making. All you did was insult someone. Maybe in the future you should work on actually making the points you're trying to make instead of insulting people without any context.

That is all.

You realize your argument began and ended with an insult to the person you were replying to, right? How in the world did you think anything good or worthwhile was going to come of that? On a pragmatic level, you're not going to have any kind of positive response from calling someone a crap photographer. On a

I'm think any sort of alteration via Photoshop makes one a crap photographer, yet you think Photoshop Queen Annie Leibovitiz is an example of a admirable photographer? By your logic, she should be the poster child for what a photographer shouldn't do. It's not just the Dunham shoot, it's how Annie

There are literally volumes on the darkroom work that Ansel Adams did. Volumes. This person is nuts.

I think retouching has been a part of professional photography for quite some time now - long before photoshop was even invented. So what the hell are you talking about?

Have I personally offended you? I've seen you on here before and know you're not a troll. Are you just a massive fucking asshole, or what is your deal? My point was that these aren't particularly edited shots and that they were fairly true to the original photos, so the bounty on the pictures did not serve any purpose

Wow. This is the ultimate in concern trolling.

...And how ridiculous that the photographer gets 99% of the credit when it's clearly the editors who do a much larger percentage of the work.