
It's just click bait. Her skin doesn't look lighter, it just holds a different tone against the very white background when the photo is balanced and edited to show the details of her features, the dress, makeup, etc. But everything is RACISM on here sometimes.

Black people like to be adequately lit too. I don't see anything wrong with this one. She looks wonderful.

I wish there was someone writing for Jezebel who actually had a basic understanding of photography and the process of retouching because no, they just balanced the whites.

I'd say she got Jessalyn Gilsig (the annoying Terri Schuester on Glee) instead:

I'm beginning to think there's really only one look you can achieve through plastic surgery, and that is "plastic surgery face."

Right. Looks like the same generic surgery face you see all over the place in LA. I'd guess she was attractive to begin with, and now she just looks... off.

This woman is going for the Winslet look.....

Sorry, but I would be PISSED if I had to sit near a crying baby through a $200 meal.


I am all for baby-shaming when it comes to any "sit-down" restaurant above the level of shitty buffet. I really don't think people should take little kids to restaurants unless it's fast-food.

You bought tickets months in advance for a fancy dinner at a 3-Michelin star restaurant that costs a nice chunk of change, probably for a fancy adult evening alone, and your babysitter cancelled at the last minute? That's on you. Contingency plans shouldn't be that hard to implement, especially if you tell your

The restaurant should just make a blanket "no children under the age of 10 (or whatever), and misbehaving or loud children will be asked to leave" policy. That nip in the bud a lot of future drama-causing issues such as this.

This is just common sense. You dont bring an infant to a high dollar restaurant. $200 a plate is a hefty chunk of change. Some of the patrons may go out to a nice restaurant once a year and they have every right to not have to deal was someones crying yapping brat. If your sitter cancels at the last minute that should

Some people feel entitled to bring their children everywhere. When we sent out wedding invitations, we got so many calls from people wondering why their invitations did not include their children. Trust me, I am aware that you have given birth. But unless you're nursing, there's no reason your child should be at my

"...but IS IT GOOD FOR THE CHILDREN?" - Parents

Oh hellllllllll no! I don't know how I'd react if someone answered me like that in a plane, but I have an evil fantasy that it would be like:

I'm sorry that's absurd, why can't adults have their own spaces anymore? Seriously I'm 28 and I feel like there's no spaces besides a bar where I can be with other grownups. Not that I'm the best at adulting but if I'm shelling out that much for dinner I don't want a baby around. Think of all the people who saved

Yeah, I think parents who bring their young children to fancy restaurants are awful, especially one as expensive as this. I'm not paying $200 a head to listen to an infant scream and cry throughout my dinner. Restaurants at this level aren't just about the food; they're about the ambiance, decor, and a total dining

If I'm dropping that kind of money on a meal, then I'd prefer that the restaurant be "child-free." I also feel that way about weddings unless the kids are part of the ceremony. But even then, I do think they should head home with a sitter rather than stick around for the reception.

Hi, I see you have a kid. Sounds like your problem.