Yo, Stapler!

Cars is a good movie. I doubt Cars 2 is though.

If you didn't let your dicks rule your brains, you woul have liked Brave. It was a good movie and has aged well so far.

It was a pun. Kanye may be a jerk, but Drake is just ugly.

People who dislike Reality TV are just looking fir any criticism that will stick.

Umm no. Kanye is hot. A huge hot dick.

Drake is not that attractive.

I do like a lot of reality TV. With that said, people don't dislike it because it's called "Reality TV." People dislike it because it's low-brow, vapid entertainment.

They are more like improv than anything else.

Can't everybody on this show just be naked? Why tease us? Just make a lame porno and get it over with.

Are there consequences for what they do? Options 1,2 and 3 are all good, but your children need to have consequences. Take away their toys. Cancel their favorite activity. Don't be a dick about it, just let them know that choices have consequences.

I didn't know Amanda Bynes was available to hire as a comedy writer. Good to know she's still working through all her troubles.

If you cry a little harder your puddle will turn into a creek and then hopefully a river.

So let me get this straight- men PRETEND to be all big and hard and strong but then after a period of time get all soft and wilt away? Astonishing. Just absolutely mind-blowing. I might need a cigarette to relax after this news.

To be fair, it really depends on the author. If Gore Vidal or Margaret Atwood wrote "So You Ate A Cupcake?" I would murder several bakers just to read it before it press.

I'd like to think that neither Men's nor Women's magazines partake in serious journalism because when you resort to gender essentialism you make everyone stupid.

I do what I can. I don't just make terrible jokes, I can also staple things.

That made me laugh out loud. LOL as they say on the streets.

Umm okay. Do you open up your mothers family photo album and shit on that too? Or is it just hackneyed comedians from long ago cheesy family television shows?

I can see the vagina if I look, but on first glance I always just see a cute baby. So everytime I see that mockup (twice on Gawker now) I am asking myself, "Why do I need to rub my face to masturbate? Why wouldn't I just rub my vagina? Oh wait. Ohhhhhhh."

I don't think you date/marry an abuser because you necessarily feel like you deserve it. I think it's probably better to just say that she was deeply saddened and depressed and that this man (Saatchi I guess) was able to latch on and manipulate that.