Yoko Tsuno

You probably should say “in America” rather than “in the West”. The fact that the author of the article had to explain what Bergen-Belsen or Sobibor were was very strange to me. As a European, Treblinka, Austchwitz-Birkenau, Bergen-Belsen, Terezin, Buchenwald are all very familiar names that I’ve heard and read about

If you haven’t seen the Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust Museum, you may be very interested. They really focus on the individuals as much as they can, and their “3,000 Lives” exhibit brought me to sobbing tears. There’s so much tender affection and careful preservation of everything they could find to humanize the

You better have big balsa if youre going to take her one

Keep that son-of-a-birch away from her!

oak really?

You say she’s beating up trees, I say she likes to boxwood.

I hope she doesn’t work too hard. She maple a muscle and that’s not oak-ay

cypress it too

She is aspen for problems later on, how willow she deal with it

That might go against the grain.

i wish they wood

I’m sure some of the boys are pining for her.

fellow students are afraid of getting hit in the chest, nuts.

Yeah - she’s all like “Come at me, birch!”

I wonder if beating up trees makes her poplar at school. Hey, I’m just ashing questions.

And ya know, function like a uterus.

I’m hoping for a trend where men in the industry just start wearing dicks all over their clothes. I won’t be happy until vividly colored dildos replace pocket squares on tuxes and suits.

The uterus should be smaller, shouldn’t it? For realism’s sake?

Why is there a calf head on her dress.

Professors drive beaters because they are poor.