And after drinking that amount, cutting it off cold turkey could be quite dangerous. If this is a true story, she needs to slowly wean herself off the stuff.
And after drinking that amount, cutting it off cold turkey could be quite dangerous. If this is a true story, she needs to slowly wean herself off the stuff.
I have one 12 ounce bottle of diet coke per day. I can't even imagine drinking that much. Good God!
A Boy Called It? That was a good read, but I was super sad for the author.
I'm sorry you and your siblings had such shit luck in the parent lottery. I'm glad you've found some measure of peace.
I actually like the puking accurately depicts my recent bout with a stomach bug.
Logic-how does it work?
Yeah, I totally wouldn't expect this type of item from Pac Sun. After all, they just sell minimalist swim wear.
Pac Sun is no longer a thing in Iowa. That's right, Iowa is making America proud.
"...One Million Moms...organizations have had success in stopping the spread of indecent material and subject matter on TV, in movies and in print media"
The Canadian pair DID skate better.
Wow. That was pretty badass.
"But all the other locker rooms are doing it!"
Incognito is clearly a fat piece of shit who is used to skating by on his jock status. "I didn't mean to call you the n-word—I was JK! We bros, right?" Well, fuckface, you're not in high school or college anymore and I predict that you will be broke within 3 years of leaving the NFL. Enjoy your future career as a…
Since when is reading Jalopnik considered "research?" WTF??
This sounds like the perfect gift for someone who likes both tacky candles and tacky "jewelry."
Is the candle in a glass jar? You could just break the glass and use a knife to slice down the candle wax until you find the little pouch. Then you don't have to smell the candle, although you do have to clean up broken glass.
Yes, I understand... I'm a fucking delicate fucking flower and my lady parts are both scary and wondrous! It is clear that the men must be protected from the ladies. I mean, what if the ladies jump further than the men? Does that make the men into ladies and now the ladies are men? Will the penises of the…
Agreed. I cannot stand JR. Something about her irks me to my core.