
Baby teeth root canals are pretty simple...their roots are soft. My son's took about 10 minutes for both plus another 5 or so to put on the crowns.

My older son slipped in the bathroom at age 2.5 and had a root canal/crown on both front teeth. We were advised not to just pull them because he was already in speech therapy and everyone was worried it would set him back. Children often have root's actually easier than adult root canals because their

My personal favorite is "Christ in a sidecar!"

Why not just move the game to the Vikings Stadium? It's indoors and, from what I've heard, not in use this Sunday.

Cite that 2% stat.

Who has $500 to blow on a live football game experience right after the holidays?

He really, really likes women.

He cheated with Tori, so how is this surprising?????

The main point I take away from this rant is that the coach is bad in bed.

Perhaps the narrative won't go away because Romo continues to choke and lose games he should win.

Clearly this guy drives with his penis. Thus, if I drive while wearing a harness/dildo combo, I will be like a man. #problemsolved

What the ever-loving fuck is wrong with these players?

This is why we can't have nice things.

Please, please stop plasticizing your face. You don't even look human anymore.

Why? Why not tuck the fucking football under your arm so you can clap?

Are you fucking kidding me? I guess if you can't win by the rules, you cheat. What a douche.

I think she looks VERY ugly compared to how to used to look. I don't know how much plastic surgery she's had, but she doesn't even look like herself anymore. More like a sanitized version of herself.

Seriously, she does need to stop all the plastic surgery. She was a pretty woman and now she's...this.


I'd much rather be an ancient slut than a modern modest. Barf.