Plays during commercials count, amirite?
Plays during commercials count, amirite?
To me, Ponder is the Romo of the North. He is absolutely spectacular on a few plays, mediocre on most and completely, unequivocally awful on the rest.
Well, they're playing the Vikings. So, really, this is a contest about which team sucks slightly less than the other.
I cannot believe the balls on these parents! Are you fucknuts fucking serious? This incident can be used as a teaching moment for those kids. If my sons had been involved in something so unbelievably stupid (I'd like to think I'm raising them better than that), I'd march their asses right over to the trashed house…
Obligatory gif for a story out of Florida:
Bedpan? For 15 weeks?
But...what if the sweatpants were horribly overpriced and designed by Ed Hardy? How would that affect your inequality?
If only The Hulk were punching Gwyneth across the debris.
Most of the time, kids act up on planes and in other confined areas because mom/dad did not bring enough for them to do...that irritates me, too. What works for my kids is when a stranger addresses them during a meltdown. All you need to say is "Hello, Buddy," to mine and they clam right up. LOL
Spoken like someone without children.
My kids are my own special snowflakes. If they're having a meltdown, I will deal with it in the manner best suited for MY child. Unless I ask for advice, STFU.
I think it's pretty awesome that Pink takes her daughter to classes herself instead of having a nanny do it. She seems like a pretty cool mom.
I hadn't heard about the AR woman. Christ.
I used to live in Lincoln, NE, about 6 blocks from Husker stadium. I agree with Bo. Fuck Husker fans; they're assholes.
Red Bull gives you wings! And, apparently, a basketball.
It's clearly the witch from the "Wicked" posters.
So, the pirate is cutting off his own head? Appropriate, considering how the Bucs' season is going.
Go, Patriot Ghosts!