
I'm a woman in my mid-30's and find Wendy Davis extremely attractive...intelligence and integrity are such turn-ons.

Methinks you have a lot of masturbating in your future...

2-3 tampons? WTF? I need more info on this!

My mother tells me that I should take the tampons off the back of the toilet in mine and my hubby's bathroom (master bath attched to our room) so my husband wom't have to look at them and so my boys won't be exposed to them. I really don't know how to explain to her that I am attempting to raise my boys into men and

Sounds like it's time to leave the man-child.

Letting in the

You do realize you're missing out on 12 weeks of sex per year, right?

I don't know...I don't like either of them, but I still think Kim's response showed her to be low-class. Kim could have tweeted a thank you and then bitch-slappedKatie in private. Besides, it's rather humorous that the queen of fakeness is calling out someone for being fake. Pot, meet kettle.

Bodies are all different and we all experience our periods differently. I think, though, that we should be able to have open and honest discussions about periods as well as vaginas and penises, and all those things that make middle school boys giggle.

Ya know, regardless of what Katie said (I wonder why the hell the Trash Klan is famous, too), she sent a nice baby gift. She didn't have to send a gift. Kim K. is certainly not A-list. The proper response is not passive-aggressive twitter's "Thank You."

Okay, I'm gonna say it: I did not like John Oliver as host. He has weak interviewing skills and came off to me as if he were doing a bad impression of Jon Stewart. He's funny in his own right as a correspondent, but as host? No.

Fuck off. :)

IKR? Hanging seems like one of the worst ways to go. Pills are simpler and easy to obtain.

Reminds me of the J-Lo stuff at Kohls. I won't wear that garbage either.

Well, I've "heard" she happened because she was not adverse to the casting couch. But, that is just rumor.

I imagine the childcare costs would pretty much eat her paycheck.

They didn't hate each other until the last season. Of course, Kate was a bitch in all the seasons.

I'm pretty sure that's her normal look, right?

Yeah, but now her kids are suffering for lack of resources. That sucks and so I feel bad for her and them.

I think you're reading way too much into my comment. My dad said this to me when I was a depressed teenager and it made me feel better. Yes, some problems are permanent. Yes,s ometimes help seems far away. More people than you realize care about you.