So, who paid for the postage? Egelp Yobtarf Ssabumd? Or was it his buddy, Rotcelloc Tnemyolpmenu Erutuf?
So, who paid for the postage? Egelp Yobtarf Ssabumd? Or was it his buddy, Rotcelloc Tnemyolpmenu Erutuf?
Am I the only one who thinks these photos are part of a special niche of Victorian-era porn?
No one should be asked to justify their existence. Who is most deserving? What an unfair question! This little girl is neither more nor less deserving than the others waiting on the list. She's just asking for a chance. This situation sucks all around.
Heartbreaking. I can't even imagine. Gotta go hug my children now.
I'm glad you found help. The world could not be as amazing as it is without you in it.
70's bush...awesome! I hate the look of shaved women and shaved men...I'm sorry, but you look prepubescent to me. Creeps me right out.
I think $6,000 is about right between the crib, carseat, high chair, etc., if you buy new, but you can get great deals on many barely used items on swaps and craigslist.
When I gave birth to my first in 2008, I received a baby bag with free samples of a variety of products and formula as well as a buttload of coupons and a few free onesies. With my second son in 2010, I received nada. I asked the nurse if they were out of the bags, but she told me the "breast feeding commandos" made…
Sounds like my gram; the worst phrase I ever heard her use was "You're being a pill!" And we had to be really, really, really awful before she'd bust it out. After she had a significant stroke, though, I found out she knew many, many, many creative cuss words.
Terrible grammar gets you a lesson in speaking at my house...contextually appropriate swearing gets a pass.
When my niece was about 4, I was making her lunch and she reminded me, "don't forget the fucking Cheetos." Yeah, that definitely came from my brother.
I'd suggest a stick-ectomy...sounds like there might be one in the ex-wife's nether regions. ;)
HA! That's what I told my kids! And 'shut up' is just kids get a time out when the say that to each other. My mom thinks I've lost my mind that 'Where's my damn train?" is okay, but 'Shut up' is verboden.
Swearing is not a big deal. Of course, I spent 3 years teaching math in an alternative high school, so maybe I'm a bit desensitized.
When you've got a family to feed, radical politics take a backseat to mortgage payments. I'm not saying it's right, but I'm not going to judge people I don't know.
I imagine teachers/administrators are concerned for their jobs...can't blame them for self-preservation.
Jerry Lewis is still alive?
I looked at that line and the only thought that went through my head was, 'F@#$ing hipsters.' It's a damn donut...not the cure for cancer.
My vagina plays blu-rays!