
It's not that hard, if we have every person in the world pay $675.93 then it would satisfy the budget. [World Population Real-time]

What an incredible find! I'm sure we can gain at least some insight by studying and mapping the most complex system in the universe.

I'm still expecting that flying DeLorean in a couple years.


So they're finally saying arrivederci to the original facebook logo button in the top left?

Has anyone heard of Ad-Block? It's a free Chrome and Firefox extension to eliminate all ads anywhere on the interwebs especially YouTube. http://adblockplus.org/en/chrome

It's clearly a marketing strategy. The video game console industry isn't open to a wide variety of companies. Sony is going to hype the shit out of this next generation console. It looks awesome, but will it meet up to it's groundbreaking and revolutionary expectations?

I'm going to call each company and buy every Apple suppliers' parts for the iPhone.

How can a parent be so irresponsible and dumb? You might as well just name the kid Adolf and call it a day.

The question is who doesn't?

Don't be obtuse. The temperature of anything only affects the atoms and molecules of matter. It isn't possible for temperature to control the passage of time because time is the measurement between two events and is not affected by anything other than enormous amounts of gravity. This is why black holes can bend time

What does Gizmodo have against QR codes? They're quite useful. If you are too lazy to type out a 2000 character link, why not just scan a QR code? If you want to give someone some contact information, just use a QR code. Many apps integrate QR codes, for example, when your alarm goes off, you must scan a QR code in

"Somehow he managed" (phonograph article) Why couldn't you tell us what he did to record his voice? I had to use Wikipedia to learn about it.

This is totally inaccurate.

That's the magic of it, back in the day people used gadgets for decades, and they never really became obsolete. Now a new iPhone comes out every 12 months or less.

I would pay not to use Twitter.

Taking it back just a tad... Crank up the tunes with the Victor Gramophone. You can blare Benny Goodman or Nat King Cole at 85 decibles (slightly loud than your average conversation) It's designed with moderate to little noise and fuzzyness, as with any record player from that era.

FINALLY, it actually is metal based. What is with this country in 2012? Back in the old days, everything was made of metal and about the same price! Plastic sucks!

It's Siri with Aspergers Syndrome