Psh, when I get 100 balls for my birthday everyone just slut-shames me :(
Do you remember keeping a hand hovering over the channel changer JUST IN CASE your parents walked in?
I tell my now dwindling numbers of childless friends not to have kids so I can still enjoy their friendship. I don't mind my pain in the ass kids, its all the other fucking parents I have to deal with. The worst are the newbie parents judging me, fuck you, I've been doing this for 15 years, I don't care what your…
I hear it EVERY time I spend time with friends with kids. I am happy with my decision so far.
Of course it is. Because there is NO logical, intelligent reason to have kids. On balance, they are no good for you, as an individual.
Honestly most parents I know IRL, say this stuff to me all the time. That they love their kids, but if they could take it back.... When we tell them we don't want kids, they say, "Good... DON'T DO IT!".
And YOU just gave him a shitload of publicity!
{Southerner}Well Bless Your Heart!{/Southerner}
When you blow the whistle on war crimes in this country, assholes call you traitor.
THIS disabled Veteran says you're a dumb fucking asshole.
My parents would attend this sort of thing. Anyone else grow up in an extremist Atheist household? I did and I have to say it was every bit as oppressive as I imagine a fundamentalist religious childhood would be . No Christmas, no Easter eggs no pretend play involving angels or fairy dress up, No using the term ' Oh…
Oh, yeah. He's the worst.
Indeed, though I really wish he weren't an atheist. I hate that I'm occasionally forced to agree with anything he has to say.
Terrible and terrifying things have happened throughout history. Why should the Columbine massacre, even magnified by television, be more damaging to organized religion than something like the Black Death?
I find it hilarious that atheists, who emphatically do NOT join the club of religion, have a club. With meetings. It's brilliant.
I get where people are coming from with the suggestions of giving a vibrator to a teenage girl, but personally I wouldn't have been able to use it without thinking about the fact that my mom bought it for me. Barf.
I am SO SO glad my mother never sat down with me and had a talk about mastubation let alone give me a vibrator. I didn't need her 'Permission.' It never would have occurred to me that I needed her permission. I wouldn't have been embarrassed as much as plain ANGRY that she poked her nose into my, very personal, …
I never got an actual "talk", my parents bought my brother and me books, handed them to us and said, "Let us know if you have any questions." One was written for boys and one for girls, they covered anatomy and sex and how pregnancy works but not masturbation. I discovered that all on my own.