Aw. You felt you had to consider what a feminist might think. Turrible. What's this world coming to?
Aw. You felt you had to consider what a feminist might think. Turrible. What's this world coming to?
Raising Arizona's a perfect movie. He was great in it.
I wonder if everyone has a friend or two who's guilty of this. Sarah, who dated one of my best friends throughout school, was someone I spent a lot of time with over the years, though usually in group situations. I was surprised to learn recently that' she was class Valedictorian'. There were a couple of other doozies…
Talkies haven't been kind to you, have they. Even in your undead state.
It actually looks like a pretty basic preparation, with most of the actual instructions in bold, and the color commentary in regular weight font. The color commentary is necessary to prevent people from questioning why Deadspin's posting recipes. (Of course there'd be less insecurity in this area, as reflected by…
What does that even MEAN?
they're a real shame.
I can disagree with other women's choices and still respect them.
When you have the agency to make your own decisions, part of being an adult is being prepared to have others disagree with you. You may even find, if you frequent comment boards like this one, that that's sort of the point. You know, to have your ideas…
Oh, bless. You just tried to tell me, didn't you.
I just got told.
The slut shaming of Miley was dead on, though. What's a woman who is afraid that she has nothing more to offer than her body in a sexualized context? What's a woman who doesn't aspire to more, and doesn't seem to be aware that there is more?
I am not viewing women through a male lens when I feel ashamed of her. I am…
this thing you are saying, it doesn't mean what you think it means.
Oh, no. I just watched that 6 times. And no one made me do it.
My guess:
1)Sunglasses is part of the douchebag famousperson uniform
and on a not unrelated note,
2)people tend to show their age around the eyes.
That's what integrity looks like.
I have a (Chairface) Chippendale on my head.
I hadn't seen that.
I'm a woman, and I can honestly say I understand the issue better now than I ever have.