
Went to go see his trophies, how naive. It is terrible what happened. The problem is these athletes have been told their whole lives that they are the shit. Any time they got into trouble in high school, they were bailed out. They know this time will be no different. Just avoid college athletes on campus if you don't

"The ball is in the net"- Joe Buck likes the sound of this young sportscaster

Speaking of Henny and Quick in this series.... I've had this revolutionary thought for a while that hockey would be that much better if the goalies weren't cartoonishly oversized padding fortresses with cartooonishly oversized gear that makes you basically twice as large as the fucking goal anyway. This leads to hard

Pittsburgh has some of the best players in hockey and implodes in the playoffs pretty much every year. You may remember they let some people go recently because of it. The Rags suck and you should die and go to hell for supporting them.

Its an okay team with a great goalie that got lucky that the Penguins imploded and that the Habs knocked out the Bruins for them in an extremely weak Eastern Conference. So I hope not because that means Gms are intentionally building okay teams hoping to get really really lucky

Bionic Commando is one of the greatest NES games.

Ever play bionic commando? Dd I beat it as a kid? Yes, after like a solid 5 years of me and my brothers combined efforts, but fuck was it worth it.

They already have The Big Four

Ohio exists so that those of us in Pennsylvania have someone to laugh at.

Oh God, I'm so glad you asked.

Pretty impressive. You just proclaimed ignorance of two sports at the same time! Don't see that every day.

Subban is a fantastic talent, but McDonagh outplayed him at both ends of the rink last round. By a wide margin.

"That is going to come in handy next game."

Rudich had hoped to have Ray Rice come out and give his blessing, thinking that would really knock her off her feet.

it won't go more than 5. Kings have broken the Rangers. They're shot.

how many entendres is that?

You failed to mention the Mike Babcock part in all of this. Rumor is that Babcock is interested in coming to the Pens when his contract is up next year (either as coach or GM), which is why Detroit just signed their AHL coach to an extension. If Rutherford is basically keeping the seat warm for a year until