
It is funny considering GOT has what Girls doesn't; grown ups and strong female characters.

I can't take this seriously, you praised the show Girls..

If you think the TV show has too much violence, sex, and sexual violence, then, for the love of god, do not read the books. To be honest, they are actually toning it down with the show.

When you say best goalie, you mean the one with the .915 SV% and 2.07 GAA and 6 shutouts this year, or the one with the .920 SV%, 2.365 GAA and 5 shutouts?

You....don't watch much hockey, do you?

I like golf just fine. It's just a game, though, and it doesn't save lives or feed people. That's not a subjective belief, and hence neither is the lack of Mickelson's contribution to society. Here's what a subjective belief would sound like: You're a professional douchebag.

Please stop using the word "professional". His chief societal contribution involves batting a tiny ball into a hole with a stick. Professors, scientists, doctors, lawyers - these are professionals.

Doughy, zillionaire frat boy who's never worked a day in his life, and bitches about his taxes, implicated in insider trading...

I'm a big heat fan! This was taken in the middle 4th quarter...

The same one that lost the Cup, yes.

Best goalie of his generation? No, not at all. If Pekka Rinne were in NY instead of Nashville, this article would be about him instead. Lundqvist is a very good goalie, but I can't say he's honestly any better than Quick, Rinne, Hiller, Niemi, Ryan Miller or especially Luongo. All awesome goalies, but one just

"Spectacular saves can be made by bad goalies on any given night..."

"AMAZING!" by NY standards perhaps. A pretty nice stop anywhere else.

NY sports always get ignored by the media. It's indisputable.

It's just not even a matter of better or worse, it's just....different.

If all it takes is one, why isn't everyone terrified of women?

It's no surprise that when Charlie Whitehurst tests his arm, it leads to 6 going the other way.

It's France and he's an academic, so nope. Even from the start you're wrong. favor of speedy youngsters like DaMarcus Beasley, Kyle Beckerman, and Chris Wondolowski.