
I'm not concerned about abuse because I don't remember exploring as a child. I'm concerned about abuse because my masters degree in early childhood development, training as a mandated reporter, and years of working with preschool aged kids tell me that in this case I should be.

Thank you!

Thank you!

This article was not well researched.

A business has the right to refuse service to anyone.

Bahaha +1

After seeing what the banner said, I disagree. The prayer was not only blatantly religious, but blatantly Christian as well.

Wow stereotype much?

Out of curiosity what did the banner say?

Yes that helps a lot. Both of the interviewers who asked about it were women. One of them actually then cracked a jew joke (Mr.Soup and I are Jewish) which she followed up with "I'm Jewish too so I'm allowed to say these things!"

It is definitely something you can split hairs over, but the bottom line is for 2 years of her 6 year relationship she was a child living at home with her family.

Haha my roommates actually did that in college to not attract the attention of campus police. I don't know anyone who still does it now though. It would be nice if my neighbors adopted the habit though.

I think you misunderstood my meaning. I wasn't trying to imply that the years a couple is together when they're very young are meaningless. I was making a comment on this sentence "For the record I'm only 22 (bf 24), but I've been in a relationship for 6 and a half years."

Best. Thread. Ever.

Ah gotcha. I was responding because from your original post it sounded like this was someone who you were still in a relationship with. If you had described him as "my passive-aggressive, dick of an ex" I would have never offered that critique.

Personally (and this is just me) I wouldn't get engaged until he's at least had the experience of fully supporting himself, but yes I absolutely do think your time "counts."


I have an HR/interview related question. Do you think it might be wise for me to stop wearing my wedding and engagement ring to interviews? I've had two interviewers comment on my engagement ring and then try to "girl talk" questions about my relationship. I've gotten the sneaking suspicion that they're trying to

I have very large boobs. My advice is this: find a really good tailor.

I don't have an issue with people marrying the person they were with as a teen. In fact Mr.Soup and I started dating at 19, but we didn't get married until we were 26 and 27, which is still a little young but IMO reasonable.