
Your story, and Amy’s, sound so achingly familiar to me. I grew up in a small town and there was a similar scandal. The knee-jerk reactions of adults to protect the adult and be as vicious as possible to the child was terrifying, but instructive. We knew from then on who would be believed when push comes to shove.

From her bio: "She runs, reads, and eats way too much and is passionate about humanism..."

Oh man. I went out with a law student from a super-fancy law school who tried to argue that mandated child support was a violation of the 13th amendment. (You know, the one abolishing SLAVERY).

I love the fact that your post engendered a response from a troll like the one who's pending.

I was engaged once to a wonderful woman. She was killed in a car accident several months before the wedding. I did not give the ring a single thought until a couple of days after the funeral, when her parents returned it to me. I wasn't sure what to do with it. Eventually I took it back to the store where I bought

The older I get the more absolutely fucking angry douche bags like this make me. This joke, not funny. His schtick, not funny. The fact that the majority of the time, I will be viewed as the one without a sense of humor for not finding any of this bullshit funny, not fucking funny.

RT @Ravens The child deeply regrets his role in the incident.

I'm struggling to find the outrage here. I really am. Isn't it most likely that they probably tried to pay and get in but weren't accepted? I assume there is a lottery for this. My outrage meter is about at a 1. And, I almost never, ever say this, but I think this post is not only over the top but kind of a dickish

"Hands down, this is the best thing that Chelsea Handler has ever done."

It’s like King Kong vs. Godzilla. You don‘t know which one to root for.

I will be really happy when, one day, the best way to describe behavior as gutsy and confrontational isn't to grant someone male genitalia.

I've found her more miss than hit, but this is good. Or maybe they deserve one another.

This interview was definitely a "We've got them both right where we want them, now release the bears!" moment.

Giant steel *ovaries*.

That was an awesome burn, but fuck her.

He's a pompous, disrespectful blowhard who countenances spying and bullies guests. She a racist shit-stirrer who thinks she's advancing feminism by trolling and throwing other women she doesn't like under the bus, and then asking for dudebro points for being so "edgy" and "an equal opportunity offender". So I come

They are both awful. But Chelsea wins this round.

I don't dig Chelsea Handler at all, but she is spot-on, here.