
What helped me was learning that tensing up actually makes the needle hurt more. Seeing that controlling my mindset (well my muscle tension, which was caused by my mindset) could actively positively impact my experience helped me a lot.

This is perfect.

Gee I sure am glad to see that Jodie's speech, which Jezebel was swooning over, really made an impact.

Maybe it's because I'm significantly younger than her, but lots of people my age only vaguely know who she is.

I think a lot of the problem that some feminists have with trans people is that feminist theory tends to butt heads with the mere existence of trans people.

Perhaps I spent too long as a student of philosophy and have as a result have become a crotchety pragmatic pain, but FUCK THEORY would be my answer.

Jesus fucking christ I don't have enough bread crumbs to get home.

While it's impressive that Kido can find the ball, what's really amazing is that Kido is even willing to indulge the pathetic humans in their petty nonsense.

I think they should take turns with Neil Patrick Harris.

Truthfully, I though she made some amazing points, but very sloppily so.

THIS. 100%

Ugh. So gross and sad.

You have completely missed the point that gay people need some spaces that are their own where they won't feel dominated by the majority straight culture.

Oh no! If I keep up with my "1-2 glasses of wine most evenings and maybe one boozy brunch a month" habits, then ten years from now I won't fit as well into the racist, ageist and classist influenced social construct of beauty!

Oh no! If I keep up with my "1-2 glasses of wine most evenings and maybe one boozy brunch a month" habits, then ten years from now I won't fit as well into the racist, ageist and classist influenced social construct of beauty!

Oh no! If I keep up with my "1-2 glasses of wine most evenings and maybe one boozy brunch a month" habits, then ten years from now I won't fit as well into the racist, ageist and classist influenced social construct of beauty!

Seriously. What do they expect me to say?

Eh fuck that. I'm going to get old and lose the physical characteristics that society has deemed valuable no matter what I do, I might as well have a few decent buzzes along the way.

True story: Once when I was 4 I was sitting at weekday mass with my mother. They were performing the consecration of the Eucharist (that's making it filled with Jesus to you non-Catholic folks). The priest held up the host and said "This is the body of Christ" Apparently I raised an eyebrow turned to my mother and

I could actually take or leave the tall.