
He's an attractive man, but I'm usually not one for blondes. So for me it's his personality that does most of the heavy lifting.


Thank you! For fuck's sake...

Cory Booker Tackles Cory Booker’s History of Homophobia—So Is He Gay or What?

I have a Klonopin scrip as well. They do work wonders when I'm having a major bout of insomnia, but be VERY careful with them. They're incredibly addictive.

Ugh fucking Ambien. My mother thinks Ambien makes her sleep, however what it really does is cause her to go into "Pseudo-Conscious Ambien Adventure Mode."

I have a first name with two common spellings, which for bonus difficulty I share with a cousin who spells her's the other way. People spell my name wrong all the time and I don't care. There's no reason for them to know how I spell my name.

To be fair saying something racist to a friend and a company selling something racist should warrant two significantly different apologies and follow-up actions.

And that's a landmark percentage too.

I swear I'm not trying to sound like a bitch, I'm just genuinely curious:

I'd send donations to that campaign.

"I've always thought it was horrible for people to break up over sex, or lack of it... Sex shouldn't be the only thing keeping together your relationship."

Just wanted to point something out:

I'm assuming you didn't mean it to, but this sounds very judgy towards people who view sex as something important in a different way than you.

Ahahahaha! Feminist website! What time capsule did you crawl out of? That ship sailed a LONG time ago.

Bingo. I actually had no idea what she was talking about at first because it didn't occur to me that her boyfriend's sister and her sister-in-law could be the same person.

I don't stalk my ex because we're close friends and I've never felt the need to stalk his SOs, but I do internet stalk a few people who I went to high school with. Specifically one or two people who I regret not befriending. We were in different social circles then and I never got to know them very well, but when I

Agreed. Plus those bars on the walls really do come in handy.

When Mr.Soup and I had just started seeing each other there weren't many places where we wouldn't or didn't have sex, but I think even we would have said no to that.

So would I. I keep lighting my bamboo cutting boards on fire because I have to use my stovetop as a counter.