
Fluorescent are not meant to be turned off and on frequently because it wears them out faster. So for a bathroom a fluorescent will not last very long whereas LED does not suffer that problem and should last it's full listed lifespan.

I am ambidextrous too. I think our brains are just a jumbled mess of emotion. That explains a lot actually...

You honestly didn't read the article did you? IE9 is standards compliant and doesn't need special coding any more (IE6 only really needed that). I write software for a living, so yes I speak from experience. If you still need special code then you are doing something wrong.

The first paragraph contradicts the second paragraph in the Drive terms of service. It doesn't really make much sense. The stuff you upload is yours, except that we can use it for whatever we want. Ummm... what?

Not really sure what you are getting at. You asked for an example of a successful Windows Mobile phone and I gave you one. Microsoft never claimed that it was upgradable and actually told people that it wasn't. That was just blog rumors that said it would be.

Probably the HTC HD2 was the biggest in the last couple of years. (Released in March 2010 in north america)

This is kind of old news considering all of the recent launches. The Lumia line is selling well so I think that is going to go a long way to improve their percentages.

Actually they would have had no chance with Android in my opinion. They would have had a harder time standing out among the hundreds of other Android phones on the market. They have a rare opportunity to be an easy standout among much fewer (and uninspiring) handsets. Judging from the excitement and sales of the

I am really not sure how anyone can complain about apps. Currently there is 80,000 published apps and the rate of growth is increasing. Obviously developers are very excited about the platform. There are a few popular iPhone apps that are holding out (for whatever reason) but that number is shriking as well.

I read that and it isn't correct. To view my wall from the People hub I just click my picture and swipe right for "what's new". So a tap and a swipe is hardly an inconvenience. I have not once, that I can remember, had a problem with updates not loading (possibly a bad signal in his location?).

I have been using WP7 since it was released. I read about half the article and realized that I have no idea what you are talking about. The problems you are having I haven't experienced. I had an Android phone before my WP7 and I found Android to be a big bag of frustration. I had to reboot that Android a couple

You can't download apps from a shady place. There is only one Microsoft controlled app store.

"and let's not discuss Bing." I stopped reading the article right there. All credibility flew out the window because Bing maps are great.

That could change tomorrow... You have to be prepared for everything.

Stop all of the corn subsidies and the problem would solve itself. Corn prices go up and it is not longer cost effective to put it in everything (especially all of the food that doesn't need it).

The perfect drink for people that hate themselves...

For everyone that are complaining that they are broad daylight shots head over to here to see more:

The comercial was a bit on the cheezy side. I am curious if the projector will be anywhere near that bright. I am thinking they probably faked the projection.

Not funny at all. It was just trying too hard when we all knew what the result would be. It is much funnier when the result is unexpected. It was just some idiot sticking his head in a fan. It just made me a little sad. This guy just needs to stick his genitalia in the fan so we can make sure he doesn't reproduce.

So basically what you are saying is that all of the browsers did pretty good and there is no longer a clear winner. Use what you like and all will be fine.