
There were not calling chemotherapy "nonsense". They were calling the side effects from chemotherapy "nonsense".

Some Lumia 800s have known battery issues. They are going to fix it with firmware updates. If it is too problematic and you can't wait then I would suggest taking it in for a replacement.

Initially with my daughter I was anti-princess/anti-pink. I wasn't going to try to fit her into the typically girly stereotype. I quickly realized that she was picking that stuff on her own even though she was given the choice of anything. Girls are just naturally drawn to pink girly things. I don't try to fight

I had sleep apnea as well. I tried one of those crazy masks for a while but just couldn't sleep with it. I had surgery and now I am completely cured of it. I had a UPPP done and now the back of my throat looks strange but it saved my life.

So far it appears that Windows Phones have not had this issue. Lets hope it stays that way.

Coming from Colorado and having the luxury of biking through the mountains and wide-open spaces... That bike ride looks terrifying. :P

It is not duct tape. It is called speed tape and it is an aluminized tape specifically made to handle high speeds.

They are a marketing company solely driven to push advertisements. All of their free products are for farming your data and selling it. They dumped Android on the market with stolen tech for that very reason. No matter if you agree with all of the patent disputes or not, they (meaning all of the partners pushing

If Google bought it I would cancel my subscription the same day. I really dislike the way Google does business.

I bet this funnels all of your code to Google servers so they can "borrow" it for their next project.

I think Nokia is going to show some new WP7 phones on Oct 26th (I think that was the date). They should be really nice. I would at least wait to see what they have to offer. Mango was an impressive update and I am really happy with it.

The new Metro UI and the desktop are seperate entities. The traditional desktop won't load if you don't need it so it is not just a full screen app on top of Windows 7 in the traditional sense.

Actually that isn't true because Microsoft is already suing Motorola so the patents will not protect them from lawsuits. I believe the reasoning was to buy Motorola to stop them from suing other Android phone makers (which they were threatening to do). If you believe that Google is just going to let Motorola

I would be ok with Amazon buying them. I would cancel my service instantly if Google buys them.

I wonder if I can get a patent on Faraday cage underpants...

People need to remember that Tulalip is probably just the internal code name of the project. If done correctly, branding is really easy to change in an application. You just change one variable value and you are done.

A knife would have easily been found by a standard metal detector. With all of the security they still miss things. For example, the full body scanners wouldn't see someone that molded C-4 around their body. Also detonators for explosives are metal and would set off a standard metal detector. The extra security is

It is probably because no one really used the 64-bit version so therefore it wasn't a priority to update it. There is also very little to gain by browsing the web using a 64 bit browser. As far as I am aware the other browsers don't even offer a 64-bit variant anyway so why test a 64-bit browser against all 32-bit?

It actually makes sense that they kill off the hardware. Who in this day and age carries around two devices (one phone and one music player)? This is really just an evolutionary step in the tech market. I actually own a Zune 80 but stopped carrying it once I bought a smartphone that does music.

Actually CDMA support is included in the same update as cut and paste. So the Verizon phone should already come with the update already installed.