
That is exactly what I was thinking. The other option is just to tether it to your cell phone. That way you would only need 1 data plan. I think Wi-Fi would work for 95% of the time and tethering could fill the cap without additional hardware to carry around.

I can't remember the source but I have read that by the time men reach the age of 50 that half of them will be balding or bald. Since a lot of femals choose partners based off of traits of their fathers they probably pick bald men because their own father was bald.

You should have bought an HTC then. They have the notification light. No sure what you don't like about the email client. It is one of the best I have ever used.

Developing for Windows is FAR easier than developing for the iPad. I have first hand experience in both. That is not really a comparison at all. Objective-C is horribly ugly code.

You forgot that manufacturers make extra money by installing crapware. So really it comes out as a wash. I really don't buy the $85 license fee. Maybe for a small vendor but I highly doubt someone as big as Samsung would pay that much because of volume.

That all really depends on what the app does. For games, sure, that will take more effort to make it efficient but for most other apps I think you would find diminishing returns for optimizations. It also depends on the tools you use and the language you write it in. I am sure C is a lot more work than .NET for

There is no reason for anyone not to support ARM as well as x86. It is a simple little compiler switch to tell it which processor to target. It would take all of a couple of seconds to get something to run on both processors.

There is also an AJAX ( Javascript based for those that don't know what AJAX means ;) ) map control so they already support both. You can swap out the map tiles for both controls.

So what you are saying is....

I am sorry but your article makes little to no sense. It grew to 100,000 faster than Android so how is that embarrassing?

I think that Windows 8 will work for the desktop too because Microsoft's strategy is to help convert desktop hardware to more modern devices.

Trust me... I know what depression feels like. It was recommended to me by doctors to use excercise as one of the tools to help combat it. Excercise was the single best tool that had the greatest gains.

I completely disagree with this "study". When I excercise regularly I am in a better overall mood most of the time. You just look and feel better and that goes a long way to improving your mental health. Increased blood flow to the brain also helps. When I don't excercise for long periods of time then I am usually

Out of curiosity... what the hell are you doing that would attract the attention of the government enough for them to want your information?

About 90% of the code I write is for websites. Feel free to send me any issues you run into with IE and I would be happy to help.

If you don't like Metro then don't buy Windows 8. If you don't like being more locked down then don't but Windows 8 on ARM... buy it on a typical x86 chip, or don't buy it at all. No one is twisting anyones arm (no pun intended) to upgrade. Just look at how long Windows XP has lasted.

I think the real question should be... what does Mozilla and Google want to do with their browser that they can't do in Metro mode? That is the most concerning thing to me.

Here is a good description of the process (not sure of the original source but I found on Yahoo Answers):

Maybe you just spend a long time in the bathroom... Nothing like catching up on the news or reading a book on the can (until your legs fall asleep).