
I think this is probably just a distraction so you don't notice that they scrambled your privacy settings again.

@D.LYTE: Actually I think it is because they own more IP than everyone else. If someone sues them they they sue back ten fold. In February of 2009 Microsoft was awarded their 10,000th patent. I believe they still have over 10,000 pending.

@nicktennear: Hmm... I took arc welding when I was in junior high so not too far off. (nope I am not kidding) I miss shop class... where have you gone?

@McWeary: Thank you for saving me the time of writing all of that out. That is exactly right.

@MrCheatachu: It looks to me that you would lower the front ski when needed.

@Nitesh Singh: On my Roku with Amazon Video On-Demand I pay $1.99 per episode but I own it and can watch it as many times as I want. Not sure I get the $0.99 rental option either.

Running 2 pico projectors a screen and a bluetooth dongle... I am guessing the battery would last all of 10 minutes. Interesting concepts but I don't think this would ever see the light of day.

@contest005: I do agree that not eating the food in the first place is the best way to not gain weight. When I talk about excercise, I am not just talking about running on a treadmill. I am talking about all movement throughout the day (Like playing outside, using the stairs, cleaning the house, etc.). When you add

@ARP: I totally agree with that. I try not to buy things with HFCS in it because I don't want my daughter to eat it. It is getting harder and harder to find food without it. I still eat it from time to time because there was no alternative. I am not fat because I know that calories in should be <= calories out.

@fasst27: We do grow sugar cane in the US (my uncle included). It is mainly in the southern states (Louisiana, Florida, etc.). I don't think it is huge here because of the corn subsidies. Growers make more money growing corn than they do sugur. If we changed the corn subsidies to sugar cane or sugar beet subsidies

The only reason that we use HFCS instead of regular sugar is because the US government puts tariffs on imported sugar and subsidises corn production. If we stop the sugar tarifs and get rid of the corn subsidies then we could get back to using real sugar and not highly process corn syrup.

@Kilotonne: The Zune Marketplace uses 256 kbps bitrate so the sound quality is very good.

@CaptainJack: I am sure this has more to do with it than anything else. It is funny how people tend to stop spending money once they lose their job.

@moonshadowkati: I think all of the other carriers have WP7 phone slated for release except for Verizon. AT&T is just claiming to be the premier carrier.

It looks like I might be taking my business elsewhere then. After owning an Android device, I can honestly say that I hate it (really buggy). I don't want an iPhone so WP7 was my phone of choice. Maybe I can even save some money on my bill by going to T-Mobile or Sprint (AT&T has terrible coverage in my town).

I really want a WP7 phone but I do not want all of the fluff that companies like HTC and Samsung put on top of OSes. They say they need something to differentiate themselves from other manufacturers. How about they focus on beautiful hardware that people notice?

Am I missing something in that image with the red arrow? It looks fine to me... maybe that is because I am using IE8. Maybe you could put a side by side comparison so I can see what is wrong.

I would really hate to see a very large person try to cram into one of them. Can you say perma-wedgie?

I am still of the opinion that it is an utterly useless feature. My guess is that that is why they didn't implement it. It is a complete waste of bandwidth. Lets just flash a bunch of crap on the screen while I type that has nothing to do with what I really am trying to find.

I think people need to lighten up about this. It was just the employees having some fun in celebration of their hard work. It is always good to cut loose every now and again. This was an employee event on their campus and not a marketing thing.