Carl Jackson, the one who made that comment, is also black.
Carl Jackson, the one who made that comment, is also black.
My turkey was fucking delicious. Slathered in gravy made from its juices.
Unfortunately, I speak plant, so I heard the anguished cries of our potatoes as they were mashed, our sweet potatoes as they had brown sugar liquefied on top of them, the green beans...oh, the horror!
You have a lot of good points here. I hear a lot of rationalisation of the damnation and hellfire and contradictions in the bible. People quote the bible when it's convenient and to be used as "proof" and state " it's an analogy/metaphor/ open to interpretation " when it's not as convenient or pretty ( rape, stoning,…
If they don't like the "rules" of their religion, why follow it anyway? I really don't get the need some people have to belong to some religion or cult.Go atheist and avoid all that crap. This is a stupid statement, here's a better one: F#ck religion, end them all, be free.
I am so sick of seeing this argument that heating healthy is expensive, a pack of frozen vegetables is like $1-$3 and that can easily be filling with some rice which is super cheap. I know (from personal experience) that a McDonald's "value" meal will run you at least $5-7 per person. Let's be real here and say that…
After a recent rant about how there is "unrelenting support" for people who are "borderline obese," she's been banned from Facebook. But she is not sorry for fat-shaming, no sir.
Factory farming could be vastly improved, absolutely.
It's amazing to me how people will say that global warming is the biggest disaster ever based on "conventional wisdom," but will sit there and call medicine a crock of shit using the same logic.
notice how almost every comment here is directed at pharmaceutical companies' thin privilege, the inadequacy of the BMI index, and the stigma of being obese....rather than considering the fact that being overweight makes most applications of modern medicine more difficult. It's almost as if there were concrete health…
Sometimes I wonder if we are blowing things out of proportion so much that we no longer can understand proportionality. I thought Feministing did that with the whole Lorde's song being racist. And I think this approaches it, too.
Can we have a calm, rational discussion about cultural appropriation, where the lines…
...They know each other... it is a joke. Personally I think she is adorable.
1. How do you know she's pretending?
I assume you're trolling, because that woman has been almost universally lambasted for her incredibly shallow and money-grabbing take on the subject.
The Duke case was extensively documented in a book called It Aint About The Truth, which contains every sickening detail. Originally, the prosecutor bent over backwards to accommodate Miss Magnum's allegations, to the point of taking the investigation way from the police and conducting it in his own office. He leaked…
This seems extreme to me. Will this really make you happy? People are complex, and even racist and sexists can be good people. A sexist man or boy might be a good brother to his sister, despite having some backward or shitty ideas about women. A prejudiced old white man who generally dislikes black people (but hates…
Let's all hate on the model 'cause she's still prettier and skinnier than us.
Point 1;
Qurans - A group of Muslims would claim jihad on Costco.
If they sold the Qur'an or Vedas in Costco Christians would protest and boycott Costco. Fox News would use their 24 hour news cycle to condemn the selling of these books of these books and ask why there aren't more bibles in Costco. If these book were then labeled as fiction nobody would know or care because it…
Who gives a shit if they find it insulting? They don't have the right to not be insulted. And their stupid fictional book isn't beyond reproach. It's precisely this mentality that stifles inquiry and free thought. No idea is above critique. And no one has any right to NOT be offended when their stupid ideas are…