
Something that is "by women for women" sure as shit is condescending to women. We need our friends' opinions on everything?? Maybe women who have no sense of themselves. But some of us (we're rare, I realize) are capable of making informed decisions without polling our entire google plus circle. Most of my friends

"Young women take selfies because they don't derive their sense of worth from themselves, they rely on others to bestow their self-worth on them — just as they've been taught.

No, selfies are photographs. Nothing more.

It's almost as if there is a giant double standard at Jezebel...but that couldn't be!

Interesting, especially after a bunch of articles regarding the sexiest man alive. I rarely see overweight guys on here as sexual objects.

Look how sexy and confident this man is!

I know. These women are fat. There is no way around it. Why are we pushing people to accept these bodies as "beautiful"?? They may be "real" "natural" and "normal" (sadly) but that does NOT mean we should push for this as a standard of normalcy. People take fat acceptance too far. We are fat enough as it is.

So, obese now equals normal. Oh America...

Ok, look, to say the army colonel perceives women as less competent is disingenuous. She said that other people perceive them this way, which is true. What implications this should have in terms of advertizing for the army, I don't know, but there is definitely a common perception of pretty women having gotten their

Because computer dorks can't get laid, amirite? LOL, nerds.

Hey, I agree with you. Our whole culture (including Jez) is so "OMG babies!!!" that it's very taboo to suggest that for this woman, having a child was probably not a rational choice and is not necessarily a social good.

I wouldn't be surprised if the kid had FAS given the mother's apparent severe issues with alcoholism. I doubt she just started up drinking again after the kid was born.

I really don't get the constant TSwift hate. So, when she was 18/19 she said she didn't identify as a feminist and we all want to chase her with pitch forks. Well, when I was 18, neither did I. I honestly thought Feminism meant burning bras and not shaving, and trying to be better than men, like it was some

I will never, ever, ever (see what I did there?) understand the T-Swift hate I see all over the internet. Who cares if she's "TWEE?" Maybe that's just her personality? If you don't liker her music, that's fine, but "fuck her?" Really? What did she do to you? Why does it matter that she isn't as vocally talented as

Sorry, but no. You're saying that her discomfort is her issue and if she doesn't like being touched she should stay home. That is the equivalent of telling a fat person they shouldn't be allowed to fly because they don't comfortably fit into seats. I would argue that a little respect goes a long way - just because

Yeah I'm sorry… but no. As much as I hate fat shaming and don't think heavier people should have to pay more, like fuck if I'm giving up space I paid for so wider people (not only fat people but also men like my husband with shoulders like a linebacker) can be more comfortable. I dare you to ask me on a flight and

I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, of course nobody wants to promote pedophilia or to have these dolls be practice for the real thing. On the other hand, can you imagine what it must be like to be someone with unwanted sexual attraction to children? If you try to seek help for your problem so that you

I just kinda want to look at (as horrible as this sounds) the possibility that dolls like this being available might prevent actual child molestation from occurring. After all pedophilia is a mental illness; child molestation is a crime. So it's all well and good to take a stance against something mentally wrong with

Does no one else find this whole story wildly disturbing, and not in the way it was intended? I went and read the student's account, which doesn't shed any light on the alleged rape, only on the emotional ups and downs she seems to have gone through. She refers to hearing her alleged assailant's roommates