A McDonald’s employee and a customer were engaged in a fight through the restaurant’s drive-thru, and each has a…
A McDonald’s employee and a customer were engaged in a fight through the restaurant’s drive-thru, and each has a…
Please stop with the assumption that Asian plastic surgery ideals are in any way shaped by European ideals. Many East Asians naturally have a double eyelid. The ideal of light skin is a classist issue — those who had darker skin tended to be poor laborers who were forced to work outside. Whether or not these SHOULD be…
I don't really see why the focus has to be on women here; just non-violent offenders in general.
I'm sure I'll get hate for this, but I don't believe it should be a college's responsibility to protect their students at all times in every aspect of their lives. There is a ridiculous amount of mission creep in modern universities, in which a college is expected to service every aspect of a student's life…
You should write a book on the nature of crazy. Wait you just did.
It's a pretty self-deceiving to think that being a narcissistic asshole with no respect for others, especially their elders, is a phenomenon new to this generation of teenagers. Socrates famously said,
I understand why people would feel like they couldn't talk about this. If we're being honest about feelings here, I honestly felt no sympathy for the women above. To be honest, I saved all my sympathy for their children.
If the Guardian wished to rip into Bolshoi for the lack of PoC, they should (not could, SHOULD) have ripped them a new one for the lack of East and North Asians, not for the lack of blacks. There is a huge number of local Russians who are ethnically East and North Asian (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demograph… ).…
Yea, good thing no one asked me. Or else I would have told them that this is a lazy, dull idea for a thesis project.
Kind of a lazy, dull idea for a thesis project if you ask me.
Dear All People,
Unpopular opinion alert:
He's a fiction writer.
Rihanna is an awful, trashy dresser for the most part. She doesn't deserve to make the list just for being black and in the spotlight. I agree this is deplorable, but acting like Rihanna was a viable option really undercuts your credibility here.
I believe at the memorial service, Ms. Stay also mentioned the strength she received from her faith in Christ. But as of yet, St. Matthew has yet to write her a letter in the voice of Jesus and send along a care package with an autographed copy of the New Testament. Guess we know who cares about their fans more now,…
I feel like in general, if you become a surrogate it is best to be prepared to honour the parents' wishes should they want to abort due to a catastrophic birth defect.
the law quantifies the trauma everyone experiences. Life is not binary.
He tends to be crass and annoys more people than he convinces. That said, every crime has varying degrees, so I can see his point.
If I said: second degree murder is bad, first degree murder is worse. That is not an endorsement of second degree murder. Is that incorrect?
I only have a few things to say on the topic of "better or worse religions" Buddhism, and Jainism never had a cleric who told young men to strap on bomb jackets or go out and kill the non-believers.