Are gifs short for "I don't know how to respond"?
Are gifs short for "I don't know how to respond"?
Who doesn't have a leg to stand on? You're the one who couldn't find anything to say other than "Oh I can see that."
Studies with self-reported data are worthless. Not only is mental well-being not something you can really quantify, you also can't trust what people report.
If you can't see the difference in offensiveness between "black people can't spell lasagna" and "lasonia is a black name", then it's your problem. You have the right to be offended by whatever the fuck you want to be, I have the right to tell you that you are reading way too much into this. And by what right, do you…
If commenting on something means I care about it, then I probably care about earthworms too. We must have different definitions of care or different amounts of involvement in the comments we write.
I don't care about it, even though I do feel sorry for the kid, I just think the parents are dumb and deserve to be laughed at. Also, if I'm reviewing someone's resume, I can see their educational credentials.
No, most people would qualify those as "valley girl airheads". Whether we like it or not, most names, aside from the very popular names that 5 kids in your class had, come with stereotypes, when people hear "Montgomery", they hear, pompous rich douchebag, when people hear "Candy", they hear 'stripper',when people hear…
I do know one thing about them, they named their kid "Airwrecka." And I don't "think" it's a made-up name, I know it is, and whoever came up with that name is dumb, would you name your kid Airwrecka?
I don't make fun of them, I make fun of their parents, because giving a child a name like Airwrecka is only something you do if you have shit for brains. I'm not talking about names that are valid in the circle you live in, although I do think it's a disadvantage if the child wants to move out of that circle as a…
You disagree that LaSonia is an AA name? Or that the joke is funny?
I imagine that men would use the praying mantis to say the same about women.
The joke is that LaSonia is an AA name.
I know people try really hard to pretend it doesn't exist but there are people who give their kids names that are just plain dumb, and these tend to be either poor white people or poor black people. And they scream either classism or racism when you bring it up. Don't pretend that there aren't people who flat out…
Claiborne, MayKenzee, Brierly and EverRose don't get passes, most people think "white trash" when they hear those names...
One is far less offensive than the other, and it's pretty obvious that this is what he meant and what most people took from it. And it is true that LaSonia is a black name.
The joke is that LaSonia could be a black name, not that black people can't spell lasagna...
Of course, it wouldn't, but it's not racism, it's how ghetto is defined. You would never hear the word "hick" used to describe a black name, even though "hick" carries negative connotations either. People make fun of stereotypical black names because they are associated with poverty, it is also true that a lot of…
Thank you! I am so happy you finally managed to see things clearly! My task here is done!
No, are you? Of the two of us, who do you see resorting to childish insults?
Good lord, an internet flame war is driving you to have homicidal thoughts? I shudder to think about what would happen if someone cut you off in traffic. Please for the sake of people around you, get some help, quick.