I wanted to HATE this show. You win this round BBC...
I wanted to HATE this show. You win this round BBC...
This right here has happened to me more than once.
FACT: No sedan will ever look better than an E38 with M-Parallel wheels. Every once in a while I start to miss my 740i sport. Then I pull out some old repair bills and the nostalgia slips away...
It's mainly due to the short lifespan of an engine that revs to 18,000 RPM. Using the stats they provided if you divide the 2,000,000 km by the 683 track engines, each of the engines made for track use averaged around 2,928 km. Very rough figures but you get the idea.
EDIT: duplicate post
Derek Bell using the words "not very exciting" to describe part of his lap in a Group C car. Exactly what I needed on a Monday...
DD: 918 Spyder because It looks amazing in the same way that girl you go to high school with looks amazing but you don't realize it until senior year and it's too late cause she's going to college in europe and you have to go to Community College due to your far from stellar GPA.
Rock Hill, MO police department is the worst. All of their traffic officers are bad but they used to have a motorcycle cop that would average 60 tickets a day. He is infamous in the Saint Louis County area and when I first moved here several people told me how they've been nabbed by him. He says he let about 1 in 10…
I don't care about lap times or being the fastest. I don't plan on attending very many track days and even when I do, it's all about enjoyment. I'm sure I'll have a huge smile on my face as that GT-R overtakes me. I care about the experience and joy of driving. You lose some that experience with "flappy paddles".
Nicely put my friend.
Sebastian Vettel should give this a try on Nicole Scherzinger.
Great question.