YankBoffin hoons a BRZ

And that right there is why I dropped everything and took my Vette to an elementary school “race car day” last spring. I let every last kid who wanted to crawl around in the driver’s seat and signed about a million “autographs” while answering every last question they threw at me. Things got broken, other things got

Your roommate hates suspension components and I hate him

The real hero of this video is the dude on the Smith Machine pausing from his reps just long enough to shake his head dismissively.

And every word he said was correct. Especially the second sentence. This is grown-ups conducting foreign policy, not petulant children with no experience fucking everything up for the sake of macho posturing.

“The Faraday Future...It’s gonna be huge. The car people, they love me. They support me. I’m a car people. I know cars, and it’s going to be the best car.”

I work down the street from Kerbeck. I assume I will see more of this car than you will.

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That’s an unnecessarily complicated card... just say “Winner Phillipines”

I have implants. There were some complications but I’m happy with my choice. I’m sorry that we live in a culture where women are constantly messaged that our value as people is reflected in our appearance, but they were tiny and deflated and I feel better about my body now that I have them. I can make thoughtful


You could catch a mighty big fish with a line like that.

Egads, really? Moving parts cause wear? Damn, now they’ll have to shut the entire project down. They must have forgotten. Good thing you chimed in to remind them, otherwise, well, you know...

They risked little by giving predictions of the future to smokers who were unlikely to live to see it.

This definitely seems like the hill to die on. Good choice there.

A moment to appreciate the man in the top left corner, Grand Moff Tarkin. Its easy to forget that he was really the primary villain in Episode IV. He was the one “holding Vader’s leash,” the who had Alderaan destroyed, he who was voice of the Emperor before the military council. He added a great layer of gravitas and

my god! they look like beannie-BABIES. like wee toddlers!

I’m a hunter. It basically does nothing for me one way or the other. I think that people who go to game farms are generally chumps. If it is a game farm then feel free to lump Huckabee into that group, but it’s kinda hard to tell from a five second video clip. I don’t really get the left’s preoccupation with hunting

Very likely true. At 20mph, about 90% of pedestrians survive crashes. At 30mph, the survival rate drops to 50%. At 40mph, the survival rate is close to 0.