This makes sense for a vehicle that was likely designed to requirements of hours or operation rather than years or miles, and with a customer (gov't) more concerned with budget than occupancy comfort.
This makes sense for a vehicle that was likely designed to requirements of hours or operation rather than years or miles, and with a customer (gov't) more concerned with budget than occupancy comfort.
Well, it WAS a slave state, which I understand to be the whole reason for the Missouri Compromise. I only know that because of Abe Simpson, though.
You, and other commenters, have piqued my interest in municipalities and being incorporated/unincorporated, etc. What is the incentive to residents to remain incorporated? Do towns ever vote to become unincorporated, or does it only ever happen due to bankruptcy (or natural disaster)?
Wow, MO has plenty of problems, but I’ll be damned. That sounds like good governing.
I think Jon Stewart just realized how careful he has to be to avoid turning into the next Bill Maher.
Love this idea. A great gift for me would be the same thing, but for buying vintage hand tools at antique stores and the like. I really geek out over that stuff and love talking about it with friends, so I can see how this would be a great present.
Okay, that is legit impressive.
I’m still using a small fiber optic tree from the late 80s or early 90s that was my Grandfather’s. I even replaced the halogen lamp in the base with an LED one (mostly because I wanted to reduce any risk of fire).
“ if people bought live, balled trees and then planted them after Christmas, but that’s not practical.”
I was too distracted during the Squid Game skit to enjoy it. Because, did they actually fly Pete and Rami to South Korea to film this skit on the actual Squid Game set? There’s no way they recreated all those set pieces, and so accurately, just for this video. I guess the pre-taped skits are a lot more pre-meditated…
Depends. I imagine they’ll start with the engineering staff, who probably designed the assembly processes and all the SOP for operation and training. They’ll do fine. They’re the ones who likely trained all the factory workers on how to do their jobs.
There’s a very similar story elsewhere in these comments to yours, also involving attempted suicide and dread. The culprit in the other story ended up being black mold that was driving all family members to dark places and cleared up for each of them when they left the place. Not saying that’s what happened to you…
Creepy woods story, love it!
Ummm...I want to hear your stories about said brothel hauntings.
Wow. You did awesome. I hope your parents were super proud of your actions. I imagine you earned the right to stay home alone from that point on (unless you were understandably afraid to do so again)!
My favorite story so far, this year. While I really crave paranormal stories, yours was a revelation and practically a PSA (well written and constructed at that). I’m sorry you and your family suffered so, but hopefully this story makes the cut to Jezebel’s story posting and can teach others about the real dangers of…
Some might rag you for the long setup, but as a kid who delivered the Cincinnati Post in the ‘burbs (Fairfield) in the late ‘80s, I really enjoyed the whole story. Cheers.
My parts-hoarding tendency was heavily tempered when I learned the actual cost of our warehouse space, per bin location. Frustrating as is, in my industry it often makes dollar sense to scrap things and reorder when needed versus taking up space in the racks for one year.
I admit I always feel this way when celebrities I admire make statements choosing not to have kids, so I guess I get it. It’s about validation. (However, I acknowledge that sexual orientation is not a choice so it’s not an direct comparison.)