Yeah the whales
Yeah the whales
I played a few months at the beginning in 2016, then started up again in 2018 through the end of 2020, stopping when the 41-50 levels came out. Up until the pandemic I found a really, really active local raid group, it was fun. We would have raid trains of cars on raid days. During the pandemic I was sitting home on…
Nope. Listen, I’ve loved Diablo from day 1, played Hellfire, used to wake up before school to grind for runes in D2, and enjoyed D3 post auction house, but there is no way in hell I’m downloading Immortal. Yeah, I could play for free, but number of downloads is still a metric Blizzard uses; number of “potential…
I agree. The downside of that though is it would take several months after the pre-orders to get them. And then you’ve got the Limited Run Games problem, where everyone complains about how long it takes to get what they ordered, even though it’s all the same time frame as it used to be, you just order a lot earlier…
Seriously, if it isn’t even going to be here in time for launch, just let everyone order it and fulfill the orders in batches. I would rather just be done with this and get mine in January than have to sit here or pay the ebay tax.
Here’s the dumbest thing about this edition (that I too have been refreshing all day trying to get): it doesn’t even ship with the game! All the extra stuff is going to ship in the fall sometime after the game is released, so ordering this gets you the normal ass game, then a few months later the rest of the stuff…
I mean, as soon as it was announced that this was going to be a Nintendo Store exclusive, everyone knew it was going to be a giant cluster fuck. But I don’t think anyone expected even Nintendo to fuck it up quite this bad.
The Pre-Sequel had a machine that would let you feed it gear and it would spit out gear based on what you fed it. There were formulas that I don’t at all remember and ultimately you're kinda trading 2 useless bits of gear for the chance of a moderately less useless bit of gear but it was an interesting run at the loot…
Such a weird article. I’m not sure who this is for. Sounds like an Android user who’s jealous of their Apple-using friends. I doubt there’s a massive population of Apple users that are pining for Android just as much as I doubt there’s a massive population of Android users pining for iOS. Once people find what works…
It sounds like you should still be able to download and install it.
Finally, the Pandemic is over
[checks list for Jet Set Radio Future]
[goes back to waiting]
I used to love the Dave Chappelle Show. Though a few months ago I tried watching it again and honestly its not as nearly as good as I remembered it to be. It certainly did not age well.
Much like last time, all this talk about how transphobic his routine was got me to watch it. And much like last time, people aren’t wrong, but they aren’t seeing the whole picture. As always, Chappelle is displaying his ignorance but also his humanity. He is showing us how he is struggling to understand all this, but…
I’m not for disparaging ANY group. I’m biracial/straight, as an FYI. Trans people get treated unfairly (being kind) just as many groups do - not saying its right. However, after WATCHING the Chapelle special, having NO dog in the fight, I don’t see what he said jokingly, that warrants a “walk out”. I wouldn’t even…
Yes, comparing the literal propaganda arm of the CCP, which closely control the CONTENT of all media in the country, to the EPA is terrible. This is soft-pedaling a dystopian violent police state.
I mean I guess I COULD argue that some people enjoy them, and I WAS gonna, but it doesn’t ring true to me. I think more than anything this trophy/achievement shit plays towards some unhealthy compulsions in gamers, and there’s a real diminishing return in terms of enjoyment when you’re closing in on that 100%. Once…
The trophy lists in Insomniac’s latest games highlight another really great use for trophy lists - not all of them have to be super challenging to appease the hardcore, or piss-easy to cater to people who only want to see their overall trophy count go up.
For interested players, this article didn’t talk about one aspect of battles that might cause some difficulty for certain players. I noticed this in the demo, and it’s called out by some reviews.
During battle, there are mini-quick time button events when you attack and when you are being attacked. If you are in sync…