Yikes. He’s one of the moderates MLK warned us about. Enough is enough with people like him. There are already enough anti-US hyenas wrapped ironically in US flags to deal with, the last we need are old wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Yikes. He’s one of the moderates MLK warned us about. Enough is enough with people like him. There are already enough anti-US hyenas wrapped ironically in US flags to deal with, the last we need are old wolves in sheep’s clothing.
I’m aware of the Democrats’ crooked primary system and they still argue in court defending cheating as their right. Without the youth vote Democrats need to win the general then Republicans will win again. The people increasingly is tired of neoliberalism and, at a time post-#metoo and when SCOTUS is lost, especially…
His comments against Millennials should ensure he has no success in the primary. Without the youth vote Democrats are worse off than Republicans. https://www.reddit.com/r/lostgeneration/comments/9hfd1k/what_joe_biden_thinks_of_millennials_the_younger/
You have folk on the left who are so smitten with anti-US propaganda that they literally take whatever contrary position regardless of how dumb and impractical it is. The open border argument is one of those positions. We have a rule of law built around limited government via representation of a freedom-based society,…
What does “particularly in the case of a country like the United States” mean?
Yeah, definitely. And I’m no fan of Maggie Haberman, she’s like the Chris Cillizza of journalism, but she’s going to win a bullshit libel suit against those dipshit bigoted kids and this fraud lawyer.
You forget white history is one of gangs of white cowards in bed sheets playing Halloween while lynching innocent black people late at night. A single black person is more than enough to frighten these people. Conservatism is nothing but a political philosophy for cowards. Always has been, always will be.
FAA can go fuck itself. If the government can’t abide by its own rules and regulations then don’t expect the people to. Tell McConnell to open the government, this is all on him.
Hearthstone is too expensive, which is why I ultimately quit playing, but at least it is also on your phone. That portability should help.
I had no idea until now how much I wanted a Star Warriors game.
At the very least no one should look to EA to do anything other than churn out Madden games and destroy companies and franchises that fall into their black hole from which no joy ever escapes. I hate that they are still in business. They are a bane on the industry. If they would finally go under hopefully someone…
Facebook is complicit. They aren’t the bank that was robbed. They drove the getaway car the robbers used.
It’s why NYT should be boycotted until they fire the idiots. A newspaper isn’t obligated to give space to the anti-US rightwing. And let’s be honest, conservatives have been against the US since they fought as loyalists for the Crown in the Revolutionary War.
So says the Certified Public Bootlicker, either too dumb to see or craven to accept the truth.
The masks are falling off and revealing libertarianism, conservatism, neoliberalism, and neoconservatism to be the frauds they always were.
I am 100% for keeping games available for consumers. I have a very anti-piracy stance, with the exception of games that aren’t legally purchasable first-hand or were never offered in your region to begin with. So, keeping the library alive is great for everyone. Had I known that their push for digital was in bad faith …
They did that to fuck you specifically.
It hurts all the more that I bought it digitally on WiiU. I don’t see how, what with the success of the Switch, those of us that supported them during the “dark times” of the WiiU era aren’t somewhat given a digital discount on the Switch software. Maybe it’ll get a good discount or I’ll get an itch for it later on,…
I see what you’re saying. I’ve never once dismissed or defended the toxic elements of any campaign. I was an Obama supporter in ‘08 and you better believe that I got to see some really racist Democrats (or who claimed to be Democrats, because online, as we should have all learned since 2016 and the investigations, is…
Wait, he did kill those people? I just said that those who died for liberal values and to make a better world did so in vain. You know, because the Democratic Party has long since abandoned the Four Freedoms and, like you, mock them.