
lol, that is a lot of words that missed my point, and apparently overlooks the guy I was talking to who started this. You done rambling? As I said, I offer no defense to those who committed sexual assault in Sanders campaign or a failure on his campaign to address these issues in a timely fashion. The guy I was

It is a shame Konami sits on classic games and franchises that are being neglected.

What defense? The 2016 Clinton campaign and her asshole fanbase accused those of us who wanted a better country of being sexist, the sole motivator of why we did not want to crown her as Obama’s successor.

The Jill Stein thing was a joke. It’s plain as day you’re a Clinton fan. For you, sexism is only for scoring meaningless political points. Enjoy those 12 or so upvotes. Maybe you can cash them in with the Clinton Foundation so Epstein can get you time with a play thing.

Crimes should be prosecuted on both sides, yes. 

My bad, you voted for Jill Stein. Thanks for Trump!

Calling out hypocrisy isn’t whataboutism. If you criticize others, you best hope Lord and Lady Clinton passes the same test. They both fail. One of whom is personally guilty for sex crimes and his wife covered for him.

Facts are facts. You people are an insult to all of those that suffer and died during the 40s. This country has fallen apart under those terrible policies, and the evidence is all around you. It’s funny to you, perhaps, but to the rest of us the grotesque living standards and persistent violence is insufferable. May

If one accepts that Russians played a role on the rightwing to disrupt that segment of the electorate, it would be foolish to ignore their kitchen sink approach led to the SJW radical leftwing fanatics. They took what is good and necessary, social justice, and radicalized it to the point there is a movement called

Uh huh. Good thing a Clinton would never stand for sexual exploitation.

Yeah, sending all of our good jobs over seas to exploit cheap labor but no impact on prices domestically, deregulating the economy, undermining labor unions, rent prices skyrocketing with the price of college and everything else, vast economic inequality and growing poverty, and being “tough on crime” like that

First I’ve heard of World War II being an incredibly unpopular war especially after Pearl Harbor here in the US, but regardless it was a war that the fascist powers were going to fight no matter what those in their way felt. Also Bush enlisted and wasn’t drafted.

Getting people to give up Facebook, even though there are better social media options with companies that respect privacy and not guilty of aiding genocide, is inexplicably harder than it should be. Back in the 90s when I first got online there was a dial-up walled garden called AOL that I was so glad to leave once

I agree and would even preorder Captain Rainbow digitally right now for Switch. Same for Mother 3 on Switch or 3DS. I don’t even care to have a physical copy at this point.

I would preorder right now a US release of Mother 3, Captain Rainbow, and anything Fire Emblem.

Your mistake was assuming conservatives have any principles regarding what is “just”. Their entire worldview is one based on fear and a desire to be ruled, and concepts such as justice and liberty are “libtarded” and outside of their mental capacities (because reason is for libtards too).

This aged extremely well, in light of the NYT report.

This aged extremely well, in light of the NYT report.

So disregarding well-respected dystopian fiction (or even quasi-utopian like Star Trek) is one thing, the cultural disconnect is evident and I can see how that is in this age of rising nihilism. However, ever since 9/11 (and the US Patriot Act, Snowden revelations regarding telecoms, truth about Facebook et al, and

So disregarding well-respected dystopian fiction (or even quasi-utopian like Star Trek) is one thing, the cultural

She did lose. You’re a prophet.

Some of it is a distraction. A lot of this is meant to tire out people, to get them to overlook things that really matter. This is him just claiming what he will do, and all the media (btw, a giant “fuck you” to Axios, fucking frauds) will do is jump on their hamster wheels and run ever so fast, going nowhere but help