
@prufrock1019: It sounds like you want to do what is safest for you. While that is certainly not something to be ashamed of, do you care about her enough to share your true feelings now? Or would you rather string her along until the time is right for you?

@skatez: It seems like your polite/distant approach is working. She's just trying harder to get you to change it. If you have already calmly explained to her why you haven't connected with her (her boundary issues, refusal to take ownership, inappropriateness and rudeness), perhaps you should. Write it down if you

I wish there was a sarcasm meter on these posts as I patiently waited through all those distracting body shots to see the expressions on her face. It took watching the video and reading the comments for me to get that this was sarcasm and the Hepburn comment was an allusion to a co-star's comment (too much effort to

''A huge tree limb, like 25 feet long, flew right up the street, up the hill and stopped in the middle of the air 50 feet up in this intersection and started spinning,'' said Steve Carlisle, 54. ''It was like a poltergeist.''

Where'd he get the blue shades?

@benmlee: I can't understand why you refrain from judgement when they put an innocent man's life at stake here. They don't know how he could have reacted. What if he did something that really put his life in danger? Is that humorous to you? Can you really not see cruelty?

@Alex Devlin: It's funny what passes for funny these days. Shoot someone, make them think they're dying, then save their life— oh man, you thought you were going to die, that was so funny— you should have seen the look on your face when you thought you were going to die, priceless, man, so funny. Ah, what are we going

You are responsible for your actions. The only way Kanye is going to get this behind him is by putting it behind him. The only mind you can change is your own. Others will still judge. He should focus his energy on giving to others, doing positive things, and making art, rather than on the mistakes he's made in the

Another example why movie stunts should be regulated, like general construction and electrical work in buildings. Although that wouldn't prevent production companies from going to Canada, Mexico, or other places to shoot.

It sounds like the subtext for the movie The Switch. The kid in that film resembles his sad sack father. But seriously, I don't think psychotherapy or drugs are adequate treatments for depression. However, a better solution has not yet arrived.

@Antubis: Zuckerbook's response will be to trademark Foogle.

No opinions on the joystick?

@rainfool87: "That looks like Jemaine Clement. Wait, it IS Jemaine Clement!"

@Meadhawg: There were no aliens. There was no difference. We live in the matrix. :I

@Zordon: I'm referring to the conceptual change that started with the iPhone App store that further differentiated the multitude of ways that we have of accessing our data. Smartphones pointed the way, and Blackberry chose e-mail as a platform, but only Apple has shown that there is an alternative to the keyboard and

Such nice cops! I'm guessing you can't find cops like this in New York.

Wondering when the Western version of sticker cams will come out to automatically remove wrinkles and photoshop blemishes.

Please tell me this won't be on Leno tomorrow night...