
Don't forget Larry Ellison. Why does everyone forget Larry Ellison?

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Might be fun, but Nurse Jackie wouldn't like it.

new things on the Internet are traditionally met with ire and seething skepticism

There's no other site or service out there that does what we're trying to do.

This is fascinating. How did they wash your hair upright without the water dribbling down your neck? I tried searching youtube for a video to no avail. Also, thanks for the Dale Carnegie recommendation.

The photo of the Tank Man of Tiananmen may not be an uncropped version of the iconic photo as there were many photos of that incident, as described on Wikipedia ([en.wikipedia.org]) and in the New York Times ([lens.blogs.nytimes.com]). I agree with many of the other commenters that the long-distance photo is much more

I agree. I liked her in Into the Wild and Adventureland, which also featured great cameos by Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig.

That's humorously sublime.

I asked a friend how his cat was doing, only he'd had to put her to sleep a month before, and told me about it, only I was caught up in the moment at his house and totally forgot. Not as awkward as this, but yes, awkward just the same. He handled it with grace and aplomb as well. It was in a roomful of friends.

Thank you. With all the talk above about lethal injection being inhumane due to the debatable competency of those providing the toxic solutions, I wonder why they don't just give the condemned morphine, like they do with old people? How much worse would it be to die painlessly of asphyxiation?

...the head is actually conscious for about 30-40 seconds...

That's funny. I thought there was a site called FATSTATS. It's actually FASTSTATS. I'd like to weigh an average of 170 lbs.

As a gen x dude who cooks— I keep it simple— broil most of my meats, always make a salad, steam vegetables, cook quinoa in my rice cooker, and keep the prep time down to no more than a half hour. I don't watch cooking shows or read cooking mags, but I do look up recipes on Google when I need to (learned how to cook a

This video seems a little self-serving and abusive. It's fun to look at as a novelty, but there were shots where she didn't seem very happy to be there, and I imagine he said "No, I have to take a video of you whether you like it or not." And she had no choice as to whether he was going to share it with the world or

Also, Gordon Gekko never said "Greed is good." (He said, "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.")

11 out of 12 for me. I feel good. Most memorable quotes are funny and can be used as metaphors for current circumstances. So, for example, any of these quotes can be reused to describe different circumstances than the ones in which they were first presented: We're gonna need a bigger boat, where's the beef, use the

He should have edited it to make it funny and at the end, flattered her. Know your audience!

The Lorax started advertising on dish detergent bottles months before its release. The John Carter team put up a few posters and online ads and that was it. John Carter would have been more successful as a PG Computer animated movie, not a PG 13 hybrid. Plus, most of the stars were unknown or unknowable as the biggest

A hot prick would feel the same to both of you.

Can't stand the vocal fry.