'93. Umbros were the shit.
'93. Umbros were the shit.
this is art.
True story: when I took my AP History exam, a girl I totally had the hots for was sitting behind me. It was a hot late-May day, so I was wearing shorts and sneakers with no socks. Because I was a Very Serious Student, I was hunched over the test, with my legs tucked under the chair. About an hour into the test, I felt…
Do NOT love your job. It will never return the favor.
Fun fact: Anybody who writes or utters the phrase "I want the purity of my daughters protected" in regards to a bra commercial is going to be a grandparent at 35.
For some reason I'm getting such a kick out of the lady complaining that the missy elliot lyrics contained vulgar words and then labeled links to the lyrics as "NSFW" ignoring the fact that she typed said apparently vulgar words including "shit", "cock" and "pussy" into her email.
You act like I work someplace where I can't say whatever I want about anything at any time.
Lemon is a throwback to these days. He's no Anderson Cooper, nor any kind of reporter at all, and he shouldn't be judged as one. He's an entertainer
The fact that the dumb white guy's last name was "Ferguson" pretty much proves that the universe has an inherent drive towards irony.
I can't wait till he jumps to Fox with his own show, Uncle Don's Studio
Having used to hang out with a bunch of pro players, I always found the "tough guys" to be some of the nicest fellows you could meet. They were like the blue collar, shot and beer guys. So it's kinda sad that it ends up this way for some of them.
This is what commitment looks like: it is not always a ring on a finger and an impossible promise of fidelity; it can simply be people promising to bend with each others' changes, no matter what they may be.
The illustrations take place in an alternate universe where syphilis is incurable and the Jim Henson Company is a prosthesis supplier.
This. Not to mention the fact that anthropologists and evolutionary psychologists aren't necessarily all in sync with the "we evolved to be polyamorous" theory. There are a few different schools of thought that say a few different things.
Right? Are they all slowly turning into Sesame Street characters?
What's with the noses?
The paper is much easier to handle and roll if you crumple it up in a little ball and then flatten it back out before the folding.
Rolling a joint is enjoyable and satisfying, but more than that, it grants you the honor of being firs up to bat. In Canada, we don't abide by the toke, toke, pass mentality, and people just sit on joints. So being first gives you a significant leg up in your mission to get your mind right.