
I can't imagine. Seriously. I.Can't.Imagine. I cry for that poor man.

Mistake #6 - Laughing at your own joke. It's even more of a mistake when your joke wasn't that funny.

holy shit this guy doesn't know how to punch. he is lucky his wrist didn't sprain or break.

and while i'm not here to argue semantics with you, but this: "So here's a new story to throw into the mix: genetic sexual attraction is normal, and very real."

Or perhaps you could sympathise, rudebarb? The way I see it both the author and hellagrossedoutwtfman are dealing with severe trauma of the kind that most of us are mercifully spared. Who are we to say that whichever way they choose to handle it is wrong? Someone who states that s/he was raped as a child for ten years

I'll never get enough of those absurdly oversized hats.

Normally it's Scott Walker who frustrates Racine. If it's the kids she's worried about, just hire an Eau Claire and things should be Superior from here on out.

Walker, Ex's Anger.

*whispers* They're mammals....

I'm sorry, this man obviously has many, many troubles but he abused an animal. It's being played for laughs and shock value but that's what happened and I wish those who report on this story would stop dancing around that fact. This isn't too far from young kids who are physically or sexually abused in the home who

OH BOY. I was all . . . well, if it's consensual, I'm not gonna judge! And then:



"Just copulated with the lightly hirsute Edelman. Earlier at the bacchanalia, he displayed his abdominal brawn to the hoi polloi. Quelle horreur! (of course I mean that ironically) "

Julien Edelman bailed rather quickly as he grew tired of being asked to give some insight into the evolution of the market economy in the southern colonies.

Did not read article but headline graphic looks like grabbing boobs so I'll assume that's what I'm supposed to do.

I learned a couple of things about my own hidden biases while writing this, especially when it came to choice of words. "Non-whites," for example, is implicitly biased because it defines people by what they are not (just as we shouldn't use "non-males" instead of females). Or calling people of color "minorities," when

This is probably the most accurate description of Fairfax County I've ever read.

Fairfax is just a collection of subdivisions full of people looking to ignore their neighbors as much as humanly possible. The fact that so few turn out in protest is not surprising, but also fairly depressing.