With online play, right? ...RIGHT?
With online play, right? ...RIGHT?
Yes, but let's face it, there's no way they could do this that wouldn't end up with thousands of people sharing pictures of crudely drawn penises.
Just so everyone knows, all my orders are being canceled by Best Buy, and I wasn't able to get any codes. Please stop asking.
Orders are now blocked. I bought the game 85 times but have yet to receive a code. How about you guys?
I have yet to actually get a code. I have my doubts this is actually going to work, but hey, it's worth a shot.
I'm up to 60 copies so far myself. It started to go faster when I switched from PayPal to just entering my card information in directly...
Actually it was Virtua Fighter. Shining Force isn't even a fighting game... But last year Sega did a complete 180 and actually held their own VF side tournament at Evo, which was streamed over the internet and was very well attended (I was there). Hopefully Nintendo will, like Sega, eventually figure out that this…
Is Tekken Tag 2 considered a well designed game by the majority of players, or is it mainly run by tier whores and people who exploit broken tactics? I haven't played Tekken since a brief stint I did with Tekken 6, so I'm not familiar with the general state of Tekken games lately. I ask because I'd like to know if…
Or you could just wait for this: http://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.ph… Unfortunately, given the speed things like this usually move at, we may not see a release for a year or two. And that's assuming the project goes smoothly and doesn't run into any major roadblocks.
I would of course be up to Apple to decide what they could reasonably allow for refund policies so that exploitation was kept to a minimum. The easiest way is probably just looking at the users that generate the most refunds and assuming they are probably gaming the system. Also, forcing people to read an explanation…
Say, here's a crazy idea. Why not just have some sort of standard refund policy. I know it's easier to just take people's money and never give it back, but surely at some point those pesky lawsuits become more trouble than they're worth.
Eh, no sale. You could still have games that require always online due to dependency on cloud computing, without forcing check-ins every 24 hours for people who may not even by playing those games.
Pretty much what you said. I think Jonathan Blow is a smart ambitious game designer, who has as far as I've seen, never made particularly grandiose claims about the his games. When he says the design of traditional adventure games are bad, it may sound like a Phil Fish-esque comment, but he actually has a point.…
No, it wouldn't work because as long as you only played offline the game could never check to see if it was being used by it's original owner. Game publishers could build always online DRM into the game itself to do a check, but that strategy has tended to not go over so well with consumers. Not that consumer backlash…
Not that long at all actually. http://kotaku.com/wait-a-minute-…
Well, there was nothing on the page to say it was a placeholder, but yea, I guess that would make sense if it were true since Sony didn't announce a solid release date yet.
Wait a minute, December 31st? They couldn't manage to get it out a week earlier to make the Christmas deadline? Well, considering everything else they did right, I guess they had to screw up something. It is still Sony after all. ;)
Looking for it, yes. Expecting it, eh... depends on who you ask.
Called it. http://kotaku.com/call-me-crazy-… Also, fuck yea! I've gone from hating Sony to seeing them as the savior of console gaming so quickly my head is still spinning.
Let me know when the PS4 pre-orders start.