I think he might have made a slight mistake. At the rate I'm currently downloading it will take over a year to get the complete archive of stuff. I think the authorities will probably manage to shut down his server before then.
I think he might have made a slight mistake. At the rate I'm currently downloading it will take over a year to get the complete archive of stuff. I think the authorities will probably manage to shut down his server before then.
Call me crazy, but I think a $399 launch price for the PS4 is not out of the question. If I were Sony right now, and I'd been watching Microsoft make fools of themselves for the past month, I'd want to take this opportunity to go straight for the jugular and make sure the Ps4 is the dominant console of this…
Killer Instinct on Xbox One you say? Hey guys, you know maybe we overreacted a little bit on the whole used games issue. And really, how bad can the Kinect always being on be? I mean the government was apparently already watching everything we do, so, you know... And the online checks; I have a great internet…
I feel the same way, but I don't think it's gonna happen. Final Fantasy IX was, like most of the great Final Fantasies, written by Hironobu Sakaguchi. He hasn't worked at Square for a long time now, and I don't think they have any writers left there that know how to write a story that isn't about pointlessly brooding…
Would someone mind explaining to me why everyone is so down on Blue Dragon? I personally thought it was one of the greatest RPGs of this console generation. Was it because it never found it's audience, since most hardcore JRPG fans chose the PS3 over the 360?
She's not being rendered with polygons, she's being rendered with point sprites (also known as atoms).
Echilada flavor edges them out by the slimmest of margins for me, but God yes, those are good too.
I honestly don't think anything is capable of tasting better than these chips. Unfortunately I never got around to trying the Chicken and Waffle chips, but with these baby's around I really can't say I have many regrets. Only problem is, they're so good that I'm physically incapable of stopping myself from eating…
I went into this "game" not expecting much, and ended up getting something different from anything I've experienced before. That's the kind of thing I wish would happen more often. One downside to playing this though, is it really drives h0me the point that the sound in most games definately has a lot of room for…
Yea, I mean I'm not here to tell you what you think is fun is wrong or something. For that matter, I actually didn't mind the sailing at first. The problem got to be that since almost nothing ever happened when you were sailing around, and you had to spend a lot of time sailing, it just got to be really monotonous. I…
The sailing is probably the biggest reason I dropped Wind Waker before beating it (during the Triforce collecting section). I just got really bored with sailing around in empty water after a while, and I didn't want to put up with it anymore. Well, that and the dungeons were way too easy, and not nearly up to the…
This is an interesting idea for a list, especially considering the items on my list differ significantly from the games I consider my top 10 favorite games. The top 10 games that define me as a gamer would be:
I gotta say I owe you one for recommending this. I picked this series up based on your recommendation, and it likely would have flown completely under my radar had you not done so. Here I was thinking that all of the new series this season were cringe inducing moe-fests, but Ixion Saga is pretty much the complete…
Hmm... he has an interesting approach. Analyzing a game's memory under the assumption that big numbers equals good and attempting to synthesize input sequences to increase the numbers appears to work surprisingly well with older games. But the way he implemented it is extremely limited and wouldn't scale well. What…
From what I've heard, Kinect's latency is really bad. Here's a comparison of the lag involved with different input systems for modern consoles: http://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/thread.php?id=… I play several fighting games where lag of greater than 16ms would negatively affect my performance, and it's more or less the…
Does anyone else think this might be the time for Sega to think about getting back in the console business? The Wii U is flopping, Microsoft is pissing it's customers off left and right, and the general reaction to the PS4 has been "Meh, could be worse I guess." When you add onto that the fact that the new consoles…
You know the game industry is stagnating when the best example of a game that proves the industry isn't stagnating that someone can come up is a game that was made more than five years ago.
Purely from an aesthetic point of view, I think anime peaked around the mid 90s. After that period they started to use CG based coloring and more simple and generic character designs in order to decrease production costs.
I try not to...
There actually is a translation for the first Tokimeki Girl's Side game on the DS: http://www.romhacking.net/translations/1600/ It can be played either by using an emulator (such as DeSmuME), or using a Nintendo DS flash cart.