
As much as I like music games, and have been disappointed by the lack of music game releases on the PS3, I'm just not sure if there's any point in officially releasing a game like this outside of Japan. Music games are very import friendly in general, and most of the people who'd be interested in this in the first

Obvious troll is obvious.

Overall I'm a bit torn. I've been mostly on the Microsoft side of the fence this console generation, although I did finally get a PS3 a couple of years ago. That being said, I find the system a pain in the butt to use. Between the install times and inferior ports, I only really play it when a major exclusive release

Still not worse than the Sega Saturn though.

I'm not going to defend his writing, because honestly, it could be better. What I will say is that Quantic Dream is one of the few developers out there making original big budget games that are about more than just shooting things. For that, I give them a lot of credit.

I hope Nintendo has learned their lesson. And that lesson is, while there may still be a market for a hand-held device that only plays games, no one is going to pay more than $200 for one. Now if only Sony would learn that lesson...

Wow, spoken like someone who has never written a line of code in their life. I'm honestly not sure if you are a complete moron or just trolling. Either way, take it from someone who actually has done some serious coding, Minecraft is a brilliant piece of programming. Notch built a game, which despite following really

The way you phrased that sentence made it sound like you were saying the Neo Geo was one of the earliest examples of voice acting in games. Sorry if that's not what you meant.

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Not really. Atari had voice acting in some of their arcade games as early as 1983.

Regardless of the fact Nintendo won't release any Mother games officially outside Japan anymore, Mother fans have very little reason to complain. Through various means, it's currently possible to play all three Mother games in English, and this has been true for a while now. Personally I consider Mother 3 to be one of

Well, what Argh said, except he left out the part where it's actually possible for LPs to be entertaining. Not usually mind you, but check out some of these classics:

If this is what it takes these days to get an anime made that isn't nothing more than otaku pandering tripe, I'm all for it.

Wow, that's pretty dissapointing to hear. For my part, I just laid down some major cash on an arcade style pop'n controller, and I've been having a blast with it. But it'd sure suck if I ever made it to Japan and no one even played it anymore.

Hmm... I think there's already a system a lot like this. It's called a PSP with custom firmware.

Wait a minute, could someone remind me why we're against a law that does nothing but make it harder for kids to buy "M" rated games behind their parents' backs. Did I miss a meeting or something?

I completely disagree with the assertion that Nintendo should abandon making hardware. Making hardware is what allows Nintendo to create such awesome games. Think about it, Nintendo pours resources into developing quality games because it sells systems. They can afford to because if they sell systems, they attract

The fact that this is a demo and not an actual game pretty much sums up everything I think is wrong with the video game industry today.

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How could you forget to mention the best Jurassic Park game ever made?

Majora's Mask. Also, Link's Awakening. Also, what does this have to do with Jurassic Park?

Valve really can't go wrong here, because they aren't creating a new platform, they're expanding an existing one. Unlike what Sony has had to deal with since they launched the Vita, Valve won't have to worry about lack of games, even if their sales numbers are low. Getting developers to support proprietary platforms