
Here are my top 8 PS2 games in no particular order.

Hey, I have an idea. Ban the sex offenders from all the games except the mature rated ones. That way, all parents will know if they buy their kids mature rated games there's a good chance their kids will be playing with a sex offender at some point. Two birds with one stone.

Hey, join the club man. I've been doing more that 50% of my gaming on the PC this generation for the first time ever. I'm strongly considering not even buying the next Xbox/Playstation. At least not for the first couple of years. PC gaming is really where it's at for me these days. Also, Minecraft.

I did play the first couple on the N64, but they were released more than 10 years ago. I haven't really played any of the more recent ones.

I can honestly say I never played any games made by those developers. ...except Hudson Soft. ...and even then, nothing they released in the past 10 years. Maybe that's why they went out of business?

Damn, you beat me to it. :P That's pretty cool he's going to work on collecting complete PAL and Japanese sets though. PAL shouldn't be too hard, but getting a complete Japanese set? He must be nuts to even think about trying it. But, hopefully nuts in the same way he was nuts to think he could create a 100% accurate

Oh, that must be byuu (http://byuu.org/). Yea, he collected those games for the purposes of perfecting his bsnes emulator, as well as re-dumping a few things and getting proper cover and manual scans for everything. I was wondering when I was going to see his collection posted here. ;) I thought he said he was trying

I'm just curious, what do you find funny?

That's simply not true. People greatly overestimate how much the cost of labor contributes to the cost of a product. Just look at the cost breakdown of an iPhone. Notice what a tiny fraction of the cost of Chinese labor actually is? The most getting rid of cheap foreign labor would add to the cost of your typical game

Now playing

I think maybe the other people posting comments are being a little hard on this. Yea, it doesn't look THAT much better than what we have now, but they do have some nice tessellation and very detailed plant life in this demo. It's definitely pushing the boundaries of what you can do with a current gen GPU.

Wha- Telltale Games won five awards? Has hell frozen over due to global cooling caused by flying pigs? No seriously, I love Telltale games, and have considered them among my favorite developers even since they brought Sam and Max in all their glory. But for them to make such a clean sweep an an award show known for

You know, I'm going to have to agree with you here. Normally I don't like to jump on the "Journalism!" bandwagon when people think an article posted on Kotaku is of questionable value, but there is so obviously not anything worth posting as an article in this article that there's no way I could defend it.

Yea, apparently not. Everyone seems to know where to get them, but it's weird because I never usually see them at the places I shop. Maybe I just wasn't looking for it, so I never noticed it.

Wow, now THAT is how you do a final cover. I'm sorry to see Nintendo Power go, but I'm glad to see them going out with some style. My only problem is, I'd like to buy a copy of the final issue, but I have no idea where you can even get one anymore without a subscription.

My gamertag is Xzyx987X. I defy anyone to guess why. ;P

From the looks of it they may even be weaker than my Radeon 5870... from 2009. Yea, I have my misgivings about that too, but developers still refuse to release a lot of their games on the PC so it looks like I'll have to get at least one of those consoles.

I'm not worried. I'm not getting a Wii U, so why should I be? You on the other hand, sound like someone who has already gotten or is planning to get a Wii U soon, and is looking for reasons to dismiss people who are saying it will flop.

You do realize that the topic of this thread was to give your reason for not buying a Wii U don't you? That's pretty much what I was doing. Or were you just completely not paying attention?

It's hard to tell at this point since Nintendo is being really tight lipped on the actual specs, but the performance and graphic quality of the launch games indicates to me that the GPU and CPU may well be marginally inferior to the Xbox 360's, although it does have more (slower) RAM. We'll see if my assumptions hold

I was trying to make a point, but apparently it went over your head. My point was, why get a Wii U now when there is a significant chance it will flop, and why get it later when it's more powerful competitors will be out? Nintendo hasn't put together a very strong case here.