
I just have some serious concerns the Wii U will flop and force Nintendo to develop a more powerful console. Somehow I have trouble believing Nintendo will be able to stay competitive this console cycle with a console that is even less powerful than the six year old consoles we already have. Once the early adapters

The original Xbox Live dashboard did leave a bit to be desired, but remember what the PS2 and Gamecube's online dashboards looked like? You must admit that the Xbox Live dashboard did a much better job at actually existing than the online dashboards for either of those consoles.

I recently added a shiny new 256GB Samsung SSD to my system for my primary OS and program file drive, and has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. My OS takes about 45 seconds to get from the end of the POST sequence to a usable desktop (it used to take 5 minutes with all the stuff I had set to run at

#1 Dual Shock - Just feels right in your hands, and I really like the symmetrical position of the thumbsticks. Plus, it's the only controller I can use to play a certain 9 button music game without the need for an arcade style controller. I have mixed feeling about the PS3 version, because while the wireless

Yup, that's right. It's out there, you just have to look for it.

I think that this demo really falls under the category of procedural generation tech demo. Even though it does start with a texture as a base, most of what the demo gets out of it is due to the algorithms it applies. In that sense, this demo isn't even that impressive. For example, here is a demo that only uses four

If any of this is true, I'd sure like to know why there are still no mobile games on the voting page for the 2012 competition [www.wcg.com] . Seems unlikely to me that they'd make such a drastic move, but then again, they did make some real cutbacks in the number of games they hosted last year.

I'm not surprised by this move. I mean, Nintendo has had stores devoted to just Pokémon in Japan for years. Why not have a store that sells Megaman and Street Fighter merch? The only thing that has me wondering is, why did they start with opening a bar, and then move on to opening a retail store? Actually, I'm not

Uh, let's not go nuts here. "Who Shot Johnny Rock Rock?" was a decent arcade shooter. I had the DOS version when I was a kid and played the crap out of it. What it wasn't, was a masterful example of storytelling. The acting was campy (not really that much of a bad thing since it fit the tone of the game), and the

I'm not so sure. Keep in mind kickstarter is still a relatively new and unknown thing, and yet it's already demonstrated the ability to fund a game with over three million dollars. If they are able to build up a track record of success, who knows how large a funding base they'll be able to attract? And keep in mind

>I just worry that young people and gamers are now donating money to game studios and not to actual charities that can help feed the poor. Of course the two things aren't connected but you get my drift.

Of course it will, but that's a good thing. Publishers have had the developers' balls in a vice for quite some time now, and it's been damaging to the industry, both creatively and financially. Developers are being exploited, and publishers are the only ones making money. Meanwhile, developers aren't allowed to work

Me too. Overall, JSRF was really the better game. It really sucks that it's so plagued by slowdowns on the 360's backwards compatibility mode.

I am just reeeeaaaalllly hoping Sega won't tamper with the soundtrack to this game like they did with Crazy Taxi. There were a lot of licensed tracks in this game.

I'd just like to point out that as far as the voices are concerned, there is an undub. You should be able to find it in the usual places.

All I can say is, I feel proud to be a member of the Virtua Fighter community every time I hear a story like this. We don't have to deal with that kind of disrespect in the Virtua Fighter community, by virtue of the fact that no one plays Virtua fighter.

Now playing

Grandia III did have a pretty good intro, I have to admit. Just not as good as this.

My perspective on this is, you play a game to have fun. If you're having fun, you'll want to keep playing. The only problem is, for those without a huge amount of time to spare, games that take 100 hours to beat are frustrating. I think the whole premise of the 100 hour game is a little flawed to begin with. In my

Are you kidding? After all the free publicity this lawsuit is going to give them, I'd be surprised if they don't break the app store top ten by the time all is said and done.

Don't forget to visit [www.audioatrocities.com] for even more hilarity. This stuff makes me thank God every day that we have undubs. Although in some cases, such as Deep Fear, the English voice acting was actually used for the Japanese version too.