I'm not even sure if black/white technically qualified as colors.
I'm not even sure if black/white technically qualified as colors.
I think the people saying games haven't gotten easier must have a pretty short memory. Last weekend my brother and his friend challenged me to get through the first level of Dark Souls. I agreed, but only if one of them could beat the first level of Ghosts and Goblins. That was pretty funny to watch. While one of them…
(Dramatic sound effect.)
You could write a graduate thesis on just exactly what the hell the end of that movie was supposed to mean. In fact, I'd be surprised if someone hasn't already. But here are a couple of pages that might explain some things:
Really? Wow, I'd hate to see what it takes to put you into a bad mood.
Anime glorifying death and suicide? I have no idea what you are talking about.
It's a tough break, but you know China. Those guys are sticklers about their trademark laws.
While watching this video I noticed that the goal ribbon is always exactly at the bottom when the timer reaches one. This video actually taught me something new about a game I've played and watched other people play for more than 20 years. Now I'll have to spend the next 20 years wondering if that was done…
Not unless you're sure you read about it.
How about Super Tempo? This is one of my favorite Sega Saturn games, but it never got a release outside of Japan. I challenge anyone who isn't Japanese to have even heard of this game.
I'm willing to give the game a shot, but only if I hear a lot of feedback indicating they've made major improvements. What I'll likely do is give the hardcore SC community a few months to go over the game and figure out to what degree Namco addressed the defects before deciding if it's a buy.
There were two things that made me dislike SCIV so much that I sold my copy shortly after buying it. The first was the netcode. God was it awful. I don't think I was ever lucky enough to play someone where the lag didn't make it impossible to parry consistently. In this day and age, there is just no excuse for that.…
Ah, that explains a lot. I can't count the number of papers I turned in during my college years without even doing basic proofreading. I think if I had to correct even half the papers I turned in, it would have started to turn me into a grammar Nazi too. Although surprisingly enough, I never had a single professor…
Oh it's no problem. I'm surprised you've lasted as long on Kotaku as you have considering...
You know, this is really an argument about clarity vs. consistency. What you are doing by spelling the possessive form of "it" as "its" is breaking an existing rule for the sake of having unique spellings for each usage case. But why does the possessive form get the shaft while the contraction gets to use the the…
Ok, but the difference is, things like punctuation and capitalization actually increase clarity. For example, "isntthismuchhardertoreadthanif...". You don't always need them, but they do aid comprehension. In the case of "it's" vs. "its", it's just an arbitrary rule which accomplishes neither thing.
A 6670? Really? I hope this rumor is nothing but hot air. I'm currently running a 5870, which is roughly twice as fast, and which I was able to purchase for roughly the cost of a new Xbox 360 console. You could probably get it cheaper now. I know they need to keep costs down, but they're going to have to deliver…
Maybe the author is like me and just intentionally uses "it's" for both usage cases because arbitrarily having an alternate spelling of the possessive form makes absolutely no sense. Seriously, it doesn't confuse the meaning of what is being said, and it's pronounced the same either way. Why no just always spell it…
You know why? Because whenever game companies take chances and make games based on new ideas, nobody buys them. Look at what happened with Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts. It wasn't exactly what Banjo Kazooie fans were expecting, but I'll be damned if it wasn't a pretty fun and unique game. Too bad it sold like crap.…
Now that you mention it... But no, actually this is where she comes from: [www.homestarrunner.com] I was pretty sure everyone on the internet already knew what Homestar Runner was by now.