But the Mystical Ninja 64 was really more a Zelda clone than a Mario clone. Even though it actually came out before Ocarina of Time... How the hell did that work, anyway?
But the Mystical Ninja 64 was really more a Zelda clone than a Mario clone. Even though it actually came out before Ocarina of Time... How the hell did that work, anyway?
I'll tell you what. I'll quite pirating things if media companies are willing to support legislation that restores the public domain. Like say for example, putting works older than 10 years in the public domain as opposed to this life of the author plus 70 years nonsense. Give people content to share and remix…
Guys, this is nothing. Ever hear of Bochs ([bochs.sourceforge.net])? Bochs is an x86 emulator that runs on the x86 platform. In other words, it's an emulator that can emulate itself. In fact, it can emulate itself, emulating itself, emulating itself, emulating itself... oh god I have a headache.
Holy shit, I guess I'm not the only one who does that. I was never even part of the newsgroup though, I just love Sega that much. Too bad I had to skip it this year because my TV was being fixed. :(
The remix really takes this video to new levels of win.
I dunno guys, I guess I'm in the minority here, but I still prefer the anime inspired designs. I guess in the end what it boils down to is taste. I find most western character designs to be bland, if not ugly. They serve a function if realism is what you're going for, but they're also rather boring an unimaginative. I…
Or maybe OLEDs just photograph better...
OLEDs, do look nice, I'm not going to lie. But, those photographs sort of make the PSP look worse than it is. With the right lighting and brightness settings, the colors on a PSP screen can look a lot better than that. The increased resolution is an obvious improvement though.
This is a little hard for me to say, but I've... I've never beaten Sonic the Hedgehog 2. I tried, Lord knows I tried. I must've gotten to the final boss at least a hundred times in my youth. Yet I was never able to achieve final victory and experience the glorious ending. The most pathetic thing is that I even…
I can understand not finishing the JRPGs. Those take a while. But Super Mario World? Just look at the video...
Eh, that's weird. Whenever I see someone post a picture of themselves in a regular everyday situation as their avatar, I automatically have a negative impression of them. It usually leads me to conclude that they are either a boring person with no personality, or that they are a douche who puts way too much importance…
If only eSports could be as stable and drama free as traditional sports. Err... never mind.
You could buy it to support the developers and then download the pirated version so you don't have to deal with the DRM...
I think the problem was that they were never able to get the Xbox emulation working well enough for the game to be able to justify selling it. If you play it using an original disc on the Xbox 360, you'll notice there is a lot of slowdown. In a game where timing is critical for pulling off tricks, this is practically…
It was a pretty tough game. Unlike most adventure games, there were many opportunities to screw things up, and often you didn't realize what you'd done until it was too late. In fact, you could complete missions with semi-acceptable outcomes, and not even realize there was a better way to beat them. Still, in…
I find it funny that despite being a huge adventure game fan, I never knew these games existed. I guess I was never that much of a fan of the original Star Trek series to begin with. Next Generation on the other hand, I was really into. And it had a rather great adventure game for DOS too, known as Star Trek the Next…
Actually they were called "Tribbles" and... oh god, I just failed the geek test didn't I?
"No" is the possessive particle in Japanese. Similar to sticking "'s" at the end of a word in English. For more info read this: [en.wikipedia.org]
I actually have one of those "swastika" cards. I was planning to sell it on ebay before my brother bent it and destroyed the value. As far as I know though, no English version of this card exists. The only version anyone ever saw outside of Japan was an imported Japanese card that was never intended for sale outside…