
Meh, not that interesting. You know, personally I was a huge fan of Majora's Mask, and I've been thoroughly disappointed with the direction the Zelda series has taken in subsequent games. To put it bluntly, Majora's Mask had depth. It was challenging in ways no Zelda game had been before or since. And it had the best

Heh, all the other performances in the E3 press conferences so far have been so awkward. Kevin Butler was really a refreshing change of pace.

It's over, Nintendo wins E3.

@超外人: I wouldn't really call it a mistake per-say. It's just that out of all the possible names they could've used, I'm surprised this is the best they could come up with. It doesn't exactly impress right out of the gate. Then again, maybe it's true. Maybe all the good names really are taken. [www.microsoft.com]

@超外人: No, it's not horrible just because of that, but it can be considered a problem. For instance, part of the reason Nintendo went with the name "Wii" was because it worked well in many different languages. They didn't want to worry about the confusion that occurs when a console has different branding in different

@超外人: Huh? My argument was that they should use a name that sounds good in Japanese in Japan. I'm not sure what you're disagreeing with.

@Eggyhead85: Well, in that case we could just stick with calling it Natal, although that name always felt weird to me. I dunno, maybe we could start calling it the Microsoft Revolution to spite Nintendo for changing the name of the Wii. I mean, everyone agrees that was an awesome name, so it'd be a shame to waste it.

I had heard some rumors earlier to the effect that they would be calling this the "Wave". Now while that was a pretty generic sounding name, it was somewhat memorable, and it had a smooth, welcoming feel to it. It was something I could definitely get used to.

As hilarious as I find the continued developmental limbo this game is in, all signs point to the fact that if/when development resumes at full force, it will be out within a year. They were already close to being done when it was halted, and it's doubtful it would be held up further for technical reasons. As crazy as

So will any MIDI keyboard out there be compatible, or will you have to buy theirs?

@Bloodoflamb: So what if you agree to a predetermined schedule that determines when you and your counterpart your respective doors?

@ddrguy440: You don't know the half of it... [www.gamesradar.com] Suprisingly though, the longest name was given to one of the oldest games on the list.

@ghost4: The irony of this was apparently lost on you. Ok, ok, tell you what. Just try it once and get back to us. If you your opinion doesn't change after that, no one will argue with you. Providing of course, your partner is reasonably attractive (to you) and isn't terrible at it to begin with.

@ghost4: I was more or less replying to everything you'd been saying up until that point. Sheesh, someone needs to get laid...

@ghost4: You know, you're acting awfully defensive for someone who is completely comfortable with their virginity.

@Alex Morel: Honestly, I'd be a little surprised if it were actually $150. Sony would have a major advantage at that price point. $120 (the cost of two new games) seems more like it. I think $80 was unrealistic to begin with.

@VXXXJesterXXXV: Well I'm just saying, if they didn't have the encryption lockout built into their wireless controller standard, they'd never be able to charge that much for it. The third party manufacturers would eat them alive.

Face it, Microsoft has never been cheap with peripherals. We're talking about a company that charges $50 for a $20 controller, $100 for a $30 Wi-fi adapter, and $120 for a $50 hard drive. To them, $150 _is_ priced to move.

@Maveritchell: *sigh*, I don't really feel like continuing this because it seems as though we are on entirely different wavelengths. But, I'll try this one more time...

@Maveritchell: See, the point is, it really isn't, but you don't seem to want to take my word for it. I think some things are better, some things are worse, and some things are more or less the same. Video games are worse. And I'm sorry, but assuming I am of a particular mindset based on one rendered opinion is a