
@Maveritchell: Your previous post you stated "there is a good chance that the thing being changed is you and not the everything else about which you make the generalization.". If that "everything else" is video games, then you are asserting that video games aren't changing. Ergo, there must be a lot of derivative

@Maveritchell: If you'd read my whole post you'd have noticed the part where I mentioned Mother 3. I might've actually agreed with what you are saying before playing that game. But the fact that game actually reached me, when nothing else had for years, and that it did so without being overtly groundbreaking in any

Yes, yes, one thousand times yes. I've felt for quite a while now that this is why so few games in this generation have managed to endear themselves to me. Oh don't get me wrong, there are plenty of "fun" games. But nothing that I really felt personally connected to.

It's probably at least one-hundred times cheaper than any of his other treatment options, so I don't really see why they're opposing this.

@gordeaux789: Well, there is the whole try before you buy excuse, although it hasn't held much weight since the advent of the demo.

@okenny :) ...building bridges (to hide under): You're absolutely right, and he deserved what he got. But, he didn't deserve a completely insane, life destroying sentence for one mistake, like so many others have been subjected to.

@okenny :) ...building bridges (to hide under): He actually only made one copy. After that it spread exponentially, but voluntarily, through the acts of others, which he should not be held directly responsible for. That's like holding Alfred Nobel responsible because some people use TNT for violence and destruction.

@okenny :) ...building bridges (to hide under): I'd say he got off as well as a person should for something as simple as swiping something and uploading it. These days content owners having gotten punishments for piracy ratcheted up beyond all reasonability for many similar crimes.

@AlcoholicZombie: *Glances to the left* ...but I was doing it before it was cool!

@Ultraseamus: Yea, the getting a job aspect of the simulation doesn't really seem realistic at all. If there is any job on the roster you are qualified for, you can usually get it.

I played the trial game two times. One was as a person from near my hometown in Minnesota with stats to match my own attributes. The other was a random person from Bangladesh of modest means and opportunity. I made the best decisions I was capable of based on my knowledge of the real world statistics the game is based

@Givafuk: You may be right, but at this point the 3DS is a hypothetical console with an unspecified release date that we know virtually nothing about. It may not even by out for another year or two. Also, given what a disaster the original DS's design was compared to the newer models', I'm not sure if I'd want to get

@m0m0: I said the screens were sexy, not so much the other parts.

Strange as it may seem, I have yet to buy a Nintendo DS of any variety. Mainly because I really don't feel like I need two portable consoles, and the PSP's ability to be used as a music/video player and book/manga reader really gives it a leg up. The vast selection of emulators available for modded PSPs doesn't hurt

Really anti-climatic guys. There was even an official apocalypse countdown on Major Nelson's website, but when it hit zero it didn't say "Now! :D", but rather it said it would be sometime "Today :(". I tell you, these network administer people have no sense of showmanship at all.

@Miksho: One million internets to you sir.

I used to play this game with my brother because he was so into it. I had a deck based on powerful four star monsters, cards that instantly destroy monsters, cards that take over monsters, and cards that allow me to draw more cards. Needless to say it pretty much broke the game, and most of the cards are forbidden

@juriko: I think people are taking my comment more seriously than I intended. It was basically just a setup for the witty comment regarding fake Fabergé eggs, which no one seems to have gotten. I even looked up the Wikipedia page to find out how it was spelled and everything...