
Dude, something similar happened to me in college. This girl was just certain that I was trying to steal her boyfriend. Who was he? My TA for a communications class. So... I had to see him at least three times a week during class (and also during out of class field work or labs), but always in the presence of other

I was making a joke on how people say stuff like "I dunno, man" or "awwww, man!" or "come on, man!" Making a joke on the word "man" as an exclamation versus a noun referring to a person of a specific gender.

You should give it a try! I'm not really a knitter, either. I've made a couple of scarves, but I've never tried anything with curves in it like a hat or a sock. And I was only halfway joking about having trouble switching between knit and purl stitch, lol. A college friend of mine gave me like a 15 minute tutorial

I dunno, (wo)man... I get dizzy every time I gotta switch from knit to purl. And don't even get me started on my special teams work of tucking the tails in... Things turn into a bloody mess right quick... It's such a confusing headache.

I know!!! As a former technical director myself, I'm really surprised the TD didn't immediately switch to a head up shot of the anchor. The video editor and the TD are both likely to catch hell for this one. Nearly 10 seconds.... Might as well be an eternity on air.

Ask e. e. cummings about capitalization and punctuation.

The Budweiser Clydesdales look like Shetland ponies next to that horse.

I don't know what "trieste" means in Italian, but I'm betting, since they're related, it's similar to the Spanish "triste" which means "sad." Why would you make a part of your ship's name that? It kinda begs for topsy turvy container piles to happen, doesn't it?

Wait... Did he shove his vomit back and his mouth and then chew it again and swallow?!?!

Yeah... I would totally be hurling on that ship. And I'm not one to vomit, usually. I can count on one hand the number of times I've vomited, or been ill with vomiting... And one of them was motion related... Flying into headwinds on a small Cessna after spending over an hour taking photographs through a telephoto

That was my first reaction, too.

Here, fixed it for you:

He's not half naked, he's fully naked. Half naked requires having more than just sandals on. And the cellphone wouldn't have mattered anyway... He's at an angle that nothing would've shown anyway. But yeah... He doesn't look so bad.

He's not half naked, he's fully naked. Half naked requires having more than just sandals on. And the cellphone wouldn't have mattered anyway... He's at an angle that nothing would've shown anyway. But yeah... He doesn't look so bad.

Wait, what? How do you kick off to start two halves? I mean... The same team kicking off both halves? How does that even happen?

You got robbed on that closet of an apartment. I have a sibling who had a 2 bedroom apartment in Austin for under $800 a month. This was in 2012.

Nah... I read that like Bill Clinton's denial of doing anything with Monica Lewinsky: "I did not have sex (pause) with that woman."

Nah... I read that like Bill Clinton's denial of doing anything with Monica Lewinsky: "I did not have sex (pause) with that woman."

Just because there are witnesses doesn't mean any of them will come forward. And it doesn't mean that, if forced to give witness, will actually say anything in support of Kluwe, and for various reasons, too. Some may not want to even possibly be perceived as in support of marriage equality, some may not want to be

Civilians aren't subject to military code rules.